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The class had just split apart, Sato kept running, tape still over his chest as both Sero and Kaminari was pulled with him, Right into the city area. Stopping only after believing he was safe.'' Bro, did you have to drag us?'' Sato pointed at Kaminari's chest.'' EY Ymhmm.'' Sero slammed  his mouth shut.'' Bro keep quiet, If we don't we might get jumped.'' Sero understood Kaminari's shock, He had one of his targets hit, But that still didnt matter, if they wanted to stay safe. They had to think of a plan. Sato nodded as he looked around,'' let's go here.'' 

They moved into a building, With Sero taping some rubble together, and Sato placing it on the door to give them some privacy.'' We need to think smart about this, But why are we all the dumb dudes.'' Kaminari said. And while Sato wasn't a full-blown Idiot, He was not top of the class. '' So what are we gonna do,'' The group kept thinking as Sero took some glances outside.'' Yo, I might have an idea.'' Sero walked up, Using a piece of rock to carve out his plan on the floor

First, he started with buildings,'' So we are in a city right, Like so many big tall buildings, sharp corners, and stuff.'' The other two nodded along.'' Yes, you just described a city good job.'' Kaminari chuckled.'' With that, It allows me for sick movement, So what, If I start swinging around and pissing people off.'' Oh yeah, I get it.'' Kaminari said with a smirk.'' You start pissing people off,  Then you lead them to us, Were we kick their asses and hit their marks, easy pass of this exam.'' Hell yeah.'' Sero and Kaminari high-fived each other knowing they were gonna kick ass.

They perfected their plan a little more, More so the ending, and now Sato would come into play, Because so far it was Sero flying around, to lead them somewhere, with Denki shocking them, winning the match, But Sato needed to do something aswell. '' What if you just Koolaid man and shoulder tackle shit, Your alot faster than before right.'' Sato nodded'' Yeah, I have been working on that six powers stuff, So what about it.'' Let's use you as a stun.'' Sero brought up with a smile. Sato however didnt really understand what he meant with that.

'' I FOUND A GROUP, THEY IN HERE.'' Someone yelled from outside. With the guy's eyes opening.'' Fuck.'' They all three said knowing would be a fight, and they had not been prepared for that. Sato went right into the action, Not planning to lose. He bit down on a sugar cube, Went into a runner's stance, and shot forward, Using shave to the best of his abilities to crash thru the wall, It exploded outward, shocking the other students. Right off the bat, two lines of tape shot out with it. Only for Sero to jump out and go up high,

'' All you buddy.'' Kaminari smirked as he held on to the tape, It is connected to two of them.'' Shocking connection.'' Kaminari fired out electricity, using the tape as a guide of sorts, For the two, poor students were unable to do anything. For them it seemed like slow motion, The lightning creeping closer and closer, until it came into contact with them. it happened in a flash for everyone else, The two students dropping to the floor, foam out the mouth,'' WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY BUDDY.'' Of the nearby students screamed angerly.

That however was the was a mistake, as his anger toward Denki, made him miss the massive charging bull that was Sato, He ran shoulder first into the dude, that reacted too late, By the time he wanted to get away, He already at had fast full of Sato Shoulder. Sato didn't stop at that, He kept charging, Tho everyone else jumped out the way.'' Lets goo boys, 3 down, Three to go'' Sero yelled out from the side of a building, '' Get down here, We gotta get out points in order .'' Sero laughed, as he let down some tape.'' Now about you just Join me.

This was a mistake, Because what sero didnt know, or well couldn't know, The one he was allowing up , was able to make sure Sero didnt free the tape. So he grabbed it, with both hands.;; YOU JUST COME DOWN HERE.'' With a rough pull, Sero Shot down, His grip of the roof wasn't enough, as he fell down toward the floor. Thankfully, With his skill learned from webber, aswell as his Training, He shot out a new tape, Right above his position and pulled him self toward it with a twist, before using Iron Body to soften the fall as much as he could.

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