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'' WHAT THE HELL.'' Nami screamed as she saw the light beams rain down.'' Look up, Is that who I think it is.'' Kaminari yelled out seeing Izuku but he wasn't sure.'' Yeah, That is him. What now.'' Robin looked at the attacks, While loud and causing the earth to shake with each strike, They didnt reach near them yet, It reached the outskirts where no people were.'' Ignore him, His attacks are to frighten us, They won't hit us, let's just hurry and save the people, He doesn't matter right now, Only the people do.'' 

Izuku was having so much fun. He rarely was able to let lose fully, It was either that the human body was just unable to withstand it. He could just let loose cause that would kill them and he wasn't a fan of killing humans, The scum of the earth sure, unlucky humans resorting to villainy no. But here, Here he was just destroying the world without a care in the world.  Well, he had none, The students were terrified, Only 1a was able to stay partially sane because they knew Izuku, But the rest, didnt know what the fuck was going on. It did give the students a chance to shine and take the leader spot.

'' EVERYONE, DON'T WORRY, THESE ATTACKS ARE SIMPLE SCARE TACTICS, Ignore the attacks and focus on saving people. We can do this, Just focus on saving people.'' Momo yelled out to the group giving those that were worried more confidence in their actions.'' They followed behind Momo.'' WE HAVE TWO STRONG GUYS FIGHTING ORCA, NOW WE HAVE TO SPLIT, INEFFECTIVE GROUPS, THAT WAY WE SPREAD OUT AND SAVE EVERYONE,'' Robin screamed aswell following Momo's lead.'' Move quickly and focus on getting everyone to the refugee camp Northeast of here.'' 

They all moved out, Following the lead of 1A. Who split up into random groups. All Focused on saving people.'' ICY HOT WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME.'' Bakugo screamed using moonwalk and explosions as a movement. The explosions were just to keep his hands heated, So he could explode the shit out of whoever would step in his way.'' Bakugo, you will need backup, Even you can not face off against a well-trained Hero like gang Orca.'' FUCK THAT, I DONT NEED TO KICK HIS ASS, I NEED TO JUST HOLD HIM OFF.''

Bakugo saw Gang Orca moving toward the injured civilians, and he moved in.'' HOWITZER IMPACT.'' Izuku smiled as he saw the explosion Bakugo was able to pull off.'' Gang Orca flew back 6 feet. His metal arm guards were scratched.'' Impressive young hero, I almost felt that.'' Oh, I will make you fucking feel it, I will turn your ass into deep-fried fish sticks.'' The area was then closed off by a wall of deep ice.'' Now you won't be able to run, Your will have to go thru us before reaching them.'' Gang Orca looked, The ice was thick, thick enough that it would cause him some effort to break thru.

'' I see, Either I break the ice, allowing you to attack my blind spot, Or I attack you head-on.'' AND GET YOUR ASS BLOWN ALL OVER THE FLOOR.'' Gang Orca shot a hypersonic wave right into Bakugo, he dropped, unable to move his body.'' My quirk allows me all abilities of a killer whale, Including hypersonic waves that paralyze their target, I wasn't able to show it during my scuffle, If I could call it that with Mister Midoriya, But it is always handy to hold a card close to the chest.''

He tried attacking shoot, who stomped his foot down freezing a wall in front of him, blocking the attack, barely, however, broke instantly.'' I won't be taken down so quickly.'' Shoto's arm went ablaze, He stomped his foot down, more ice than he ever created. He didnt just make a new wall, He created an entire dome, incasing Gang Orca, It was almost enough to hold down All Might.'' FUCK ME, I GET HIT AND YOU GET IT EASY.'' Bakugo screamed as he slowly started moving again thanks to pure stubbornness.'' now we are done right.'' 

A beam of light shot passed the two of them and pierced the ice, making it crack into massive chunks allowing Gang Orca to free himself.'' Impeccable try young students, Your actions make me proud, Yet I am not alone. Men.'' Out the side jumped an army of goons, each carrying a gun. They fired it, hitting the two boys with a glob of cement, not just normal cement, it was quick-drying cement. '' Fuck, we.'' ARE SAVED.'' Momo called out as she and Kirishima carried a big ass shield protecting  them both,'' This will hurt and might be embarrassing.'' Sato said, downing two sugar packets.

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