The Internships. Pt 5

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As Midoriya and Nemuri made it into Hosu they first went to their hotel. Seeing as Hosu was a large City with a good amount of travel Izuku had reserved the Penthouse suite for him and Nemuri. 

This hotel Chain Izuku had used it before as they were all across the world and provided a great service. They made their way to the front where the Valet Driver stood waiting to for them. The bellman also grabbed their bags out of the trunk right away and placing them on a cart. Izuku and Nemuri quickly made their way to the front desk. 

Izuku not seeing anyone there hit the bell. Nemuri herself was in her own world at the moment reading the lasted developments on the Stain Investigation. Apprently The last hero Stain had attack who survived the attack had agreed to come to the meeting that would occur that night to enlighten them a little more.

From the back of the front desk came a shortish woman standing about 142 cm tall. She hurried to get her glasses on her face correctly.'' I am sorry for the wait.'' She said still not watching who stood at the front desk. As she fixed her glasses she looked up and saw the prince of Asia giving her a friendly smile.

'' uHM. I apologize for the wait, your highness. Do excuse my behavior.'' She said with a bow not expecting this when she woke up this morning and got ready for her work shift. She knew that the chance of meeting important guested was possible as she had heard that Endeavor and some of his sidekicks had checked in themselves.

'' Dont worry about it. But I would like to check-in if that's possible.'' Izuku said ignoring the fact that Nemuri was giggling at the back of him. She found it funny how the people reacted to Izuku. 

'' Yes, of course, Your Highness. Under what name is your reservation?'' It's under Midoriya.'' Confirming the reservation the Front desk receptionist informed the bellman which floor to take the bags from and gave the keys as well as some of the hotel's information to Izuku and Nemuri. '' Here are the keycards for your room which is on the 89th floor. We have our own kitchen staff that can provide any meals you want 24/7. You can order room service with the phone. If anything is not up to standard do please let us know. I hope you enjoy your stay.'' Izuku nodded and thanked the lady. 

As they made it up to the 89th floor they entered the penthouse suite. The room was around the same size as the entire floor from the Dorm System. It had a great view over the entirely of Hosu. Izuku enjoyed these types of views. It was one of the reasons he enjoyed his quirks that allowed his flight of some sort. 

Nemuri and Izuku got set in themselves a little. They made sure they had the paperwork on Stain and such setup. They still had around 2 or 3 hours before they would have to make their way to the meeting.


 Endeavor and his Sidekicks entered Hosu the day before the meeting they would have. One to get set up fully. The second was to work out the City layouts a bit beforehand. Endeavor had reserved the entire 88th Floor for him and the Sidekicks. It was a common practice whenever he was forced to move toward a distant City.

At the moment the Todoroki's were split up. Enji Todoroki was shopping with his wife and youngest child Shoto. Shoto himself didn't really want to go shopping but he didn't have anything better to do. Rei Todoroki forced her husband and her son to go shopping with her. She tried getting her older son and his fiance to come with her as well but they had the clever excuse of wanting to have a day for themselves.

Rei was not a fan of the Stain Hunt. She herself was not a fighter at all and knew the dangers Stain could Bring on. She was also really worried for her children and their lack of danger. She tried making them stop the bet but that was not really possible as each party was excited to win. She did make them promise to not act reckless and to make sure they get out alive and uninjured.

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