Royal dates, Shino, Tomoko, and Pixie-bob

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Izuku smiled as he sat in the back of the bus. For the first time in ages, he used public transport But saw Shino, Tomoko, and Ryuko who had so far just been called by a nickname. Which was Pretty Kitty, the three of them wanted to pick the date, as Izuku had too much on his plate already and he should be able to at least relax a bit during his vacation. For Izuku it really barely mattered, He talked with Eri at least once a day, Texting of course. But if they wanted it they could.

So now sitting back in the bus, seeing some people looking back and scoffing, One even walked up to him.'' Yo bro that's a sick cosplay of the Prince, It looks just like the pictures, Just the scar is on the wrong eye I believe.'' Izuku bit his lip in order to hold back his laughter.''T-thanks, I will keep that in mind.''  Izuku understood, Why would the next king of the world, a man with more riches than he knows what to do ride on the back of a public bus, But Izuku really just wanted to see public transport at work.

He had used the subway and train before, planes itself was different as he had entered first class a couple of times, But most of his trips were either by his own powers or in private jets. So this was kind of like a first, and he loved it, the idea was incredible, a large massive bus, filled with people, would save people's money and gas admissions. Izuku even thought about how a business could use a bus and pick up people for the job, But that would cost money, But Izuku would suggest to some Mathatitions on what the government could do in terms of compensation.

It was a great thing to keep his mind busy as he moved toward the Pussycat compound. He was wondering what kind of date they had in mind. Perhaps it was them laying around back home sitting around doing nothing, Something he was more than happy about. Sitting around, having the girls hug him,  as they just chilled. It sounded quite fun. he had his phone out and was just playing phone games Eri downloaded on his phone. It was a great joy. The one he and Eri were most addicted to was the strongest Hero.

He stepped out of the last stop, He still had to walk for 20 minutes. 2 minutes into the walk he received a facetime call from Shino.'' Hey, I am on my way, don't hope I am too late.'' Shino quickly shook her head'' Of course not, There is plenty of time, I was merely wondering if there was something you needed right now.'' OH, YOUR TALKING WITH WHO.'' Tomoko said as she jumped on Shino and struggled the phone out of her hands.'' Heyyy Izuku.'' Tomoko sounded friendly and lose so much so that Shino jumped back on her.

''DONT SPEAK SO FREELY TOMOKO HAVE RESPECT.'' Izuku laughed loudly as he walked.'' Shino, seeing we are literally going on a date right now, I think it's only right for us to speak freely,'' Shino turned red. Izuku laughed more as she turned redder than her hair, as Pixie-bob laughed loudly.'' Now Shino you can call me Izuku, You can call me by a nickname.'' Izuku said as he nearly fell on his face as saw Pixie-bob just wearing a towel. Shino also noticed this'' RYUKO WE ARE ON A FACE THEM GO GET DRESSED.'' She screamed as she pulled the phone into her chest.

'' HAHAHA, Maybe I want to prince to see me like this, I might be trying to seduce him right now.'' Izuku however was able to compose himself.'' Perhaps I am going to seduce you, I am quite capable of it you know'' Oh that sounds like a challenge, I LIKE IT.'' Pixie-bob laughed. She stole the phone from Shino,'' the first one to get the other to stutter, blush, forget what someone was talking about, They win,'' Oh alright, Just know, I have dealt with a Nemuri, all of Nemuri.'' Izuku said knowing just what he implied.

'' HA, So have I, Before you even met the little succubus, we had been friends, I was her roomie for well over a year, I am proud to say I even taught her some tricks.'' OH, I WANNA JOIN ASWELL, I CAN CHARM IZUKU WITH MY SUPER WOMANLY CHARMS.'' Tomoko laughed as she prompt up her boobies and smiled.'' Sure thing The three of you against the one of me. It's only fair that you three get all the HELP you will need.'' This caused the phone to drop as Pixie-bob let loose an angry, insulting laugh.

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