Who are the BlackBeard Syndicate?

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Nezu hummed to himself as he had given all the students and heroes their order for when they would locate the Blackbeard Syndicate. Nezu felt wrong calling it orders as with the information they had it was truly nothing more than a loose suggestion. They barely knew anyone from the Blackbeards Syndicate. Or Blackbeard Pirates which was the name they used. Mostly because they traveled outside of Japan by ship. It was idiotic and Nezu would not stoop to such a low standard of calling them pirates.

But Nezu knew everything he could learn. They had a total of 11 members. In the eleven you had some that only the name was known for, This included Their leader, Admiral Blackbeard. Then of his 10 captains, You had Van Augur. and Doc Q. Those two there was 0 information on. Then once there was information on. First Jesus Burgess. A man who was defeated by the likes of Fatgum and Kirishima, But sadly he was freed along with more criminals. These included. Avalo Pizarro. a man is known as the Corrupt King. He took over a country before committing genocide on its people, before being quickly put in jail.

With him, there was also a woman named Catarina Devon, nicknamed Crescent Moon Hunter. One of the most dangerous women that had been captured. Responsible for the death of over 200 different women, She hunted down women she deemed as prettier than herself, before killing them and removing their heads, She collected them, the crimes were so severe the lead officer after raiding her home, quit the force. Her reasonings were her liking for pretty things aswell as wanting to be the prettiest alive. It was a horrible person to be freed from jail.

Then you also had the man named Vasco Shot. Nicknamed Heavy Drinker. A crazed alcoholic that bashed and burned the bodies of dozens and dozens of random people, An absolute maniac like every one of the Blackbeard group. sadly it all went on. With them, they had one of the largest beings in the world. The man called Sanjuan Wolf Nicknamed Colossal Battleship. His crimes were destroying dozens of marine battleships. Breaking them as toys and killing anyone on the ship. Each of them was placed in a prison that was the end of the road. Those that committed crimes against the world.

Each is thrown in there and forgotten about. They had to be erased from the world. Sadly Nezu could only wish those were the only members of the Blackbeard group. But there were more. Two that jump to the other side. A man who joined the cops in a small town before killing down dozens of criminals for weakest crimes. The name Nezu figured out was Laffitte, nicknamed The Demon Sheriff and then one of the more dangerous members. Which was saying something. A man purely known by a nickname, One he gained from slaughtering hundreds of people. Shiryu of the Rain.

He was the head jailer of Impel Down. The prison the criminals escaped from. Shiryu worked there for years, going under the radar by killing prisoners who started riots and attacked first. He was a pure psychopath. And each of them had a strong and dangerous quirk that helped them.

Jesus Burgess. A quirk that boosted his strength to levels Nezu was unsure of. A quirk that makes him a dangerous close-combat fighter. Fitting of his name of Champion

Shiryu was a danger without his quirk. His quirk allowed him perfect invisibility, of not just him, But any weapon he hid. Thankfully His former boss Megelan knew all too well that he used a sword.

Avalo Pizarro. One of the more dangerous quirks in the group. The quirk is called Island merge. Which meant if they found the Blackbeard group on an island. They were gonna be forced to fight an entire island.

Laffitte, Sadly his quirk was unknown overall, All that was known was the fact he had two large white wings that he could use to fly. They didnt even know how he fought, Nezu assumed perhaps it had to do with the cane he walked around with, But they fought dirty.

Then Catarina Devon. The quirk is called Ninetails Fox. Most of the abilities were unknown. Thankfully they were aware that it was not the same part of Izuku's quirk that could summon a large fox. Instead, She could transform into anyone as long as she knew how they looked. a sneaky power.

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