Exam Pt5

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Robin, Ida, Juzo, and Bondo all made their way into the area, Unsure who Gran Torino is and what quirk he would be using.'' I assume he might have a speed quirk or a car quirk, As there is a car named like that.'' Juzo said with Robin adding onto that.'' I assume a speed quirk as we all have something to do with speed.'' Oh Oh Oh, We got ourselves some smartie pants do we now.''They heard from in front of them, as they made eye contact. A small old man, He was the size of Nezu and had gray hair, He was walking shakily with his cane in hand.

'' Are you my opponents?'' Gran Torino asked faking as if he had trouble seeing them, Something Ida fell for.'' We are sir, Are you aware we should be fighting each other, Shall I return you back towards a seat.'' Oh, would you be so kind?'' Gran Torino said as Ida took off his helmet and closed his eyes as he started a speech about that is the true essence of heroism, Only to receive a boot in the face before he could even finish his first sentence. 

This kick while not hurting Ida as much was enough to kick him back a good while If not for Robin who had created multiple arms stop him.'' I believe that was an act Ida, Are you fine.'' Ida got back up with the help of Multiple arms from Robin.'' I thank you, Robin, Yes it seems I fell for it But I shall not fall for it again.'' Ida said as he fixed his glasses and put his helmet back on.'' It seems we are quite serious now arent we.'' Gran Torino said before flying sideways as two sets of hands grew up from the ground and tried grabbing him.'' A little slow missy. Now, are you three just here for decoration, or are you going to move and try something?'' Gran Torino told the three boys. 

Ida went down in his sprinter stance wanting to just rush this old man and get it over with by using speed instead of violence. But Gran Torino was faster. He shot toward Ida, Going for a kick in the ribs, Bondo saw it and tried jumping on the Gran Torino, Who easily stop his momentum before flying up and landing a powerful stomp on Ida.'' Having to take a stance in front of your enemy is a good way to get yourself killed.'' Gran Torino said as he flew away again as this time Juzo tried grabbing him.

'' Juzo start working on softening the walls around us. Give him nowhere to land. Bondo you try and get him stuck, Just try and not hit any of us. Ida your on chase Duty, Where he goes you go,'' Robin ordered. With the three noddings. Making Gran Torino chuckle.'' The woman in charge, Let's see what you made off.'' Gran Torino chuckled as Robin crossed her arms again and started creating arms over the place, 

Gran Torino began flying around at incredible speeds. Ida was in pursuit on the floor. He was nowhere near at Gran Torino's speed, And while Ida had to turn and slide with each turn, Gran Torino didnt, He was able to stop at a moment's notice. Something that was the main source of problems for the four students. They couldn't predict where Gran Torino was heading.

Robin was lacking some speed by keeping her eyes open But even if he came thru her path He was too fast to get a grip on.'' You need to think bigger,'' Oh screw this, I really don't want to keep getting toyed with by an old man.'' Juzo said getting irritated that nothing he did even phased the old man, Thus he just ran away. He sprinted toward the gate. Only to be kicked into the floor the second he turned around.'' You don't leave your elders son.'' Gran Torino said as he pressed his foot down 

Robin's arms uncrossed for a moment as a twinkle in her eye showed up. Her blank face received a smile.'' Robin are you alright.'' This brought her out of her thoughts for a moment.'' Oh, I am more than fine Ida, I have a plan, keep him busy and away from here.'' Robin said with Ida nodding.'' I shall try my best.'' Before then going into a runner's stance. His engines roaring to life.'' RECIPRO BURST.'' Ida screamed as he put his engines into overdrive. Blue flames forced themselves out of the exhaust as Ida zoomed forward after then Gran Torino had seen.'' Let's see if you can keep up snail.'' Gran Torino said before flying off with Ida hot on his tail.

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