Tailed beast fluff, Nemuri fluff

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'' Papa.'' Izuku looked down at Eri, They were in the desert, Busy playing and making a massive sand castle.'' Yes, sweety.'' Can you summon the funny beast again? The tailies.'' Izuku smiled as he understood who she was talking about.'' Sure. I know just the one that can help us.'' Izuku bit his thumb as he wrote the number one on his stomach. Kota got a smile aswell. But it dropped as the one tails, Shukaku formed.'' SAND.'' Shukaku said with joy as he fell back into his habit.'' Hi Mister Kuku.'' Eri said sweetly as she went over and hugged its large body.

Shukaku hugged back. its large sand arms softly pressed back against Eri. Enough to make Izuku smirk. He could stop nukes from damaging the cities. He could stop a meteor from striking the ground. He had the greatest defense known to Izuku, which could grow and compact. Yet his defense broke at a single hug.'' Why did you summon the rat, Could you not summon a cooler one.'' Kota asked with Izuku laughing. From the 9-tailed beast. they could be placed into groups.

Shukaku. The sand Tanuki. As he slammed its large paws into the ground. the sand changed and formed around himself, as he allowed the sand to form a massive, truly masterwork of a sand castle, dozens of feet high. wide as could be. and the send compressed to hold its shape. And in big letters, Eri's sandcastle, Kota not allowed. Eri was his favorite. Eri loved them all, But he found it more important to be liked by Eri. Eri was the most important person. Even more so than Izuku most of the time. '' Jippie'' Eri said as she stood at the top of the tower made of sand.

Matabi. The flame cat, Loved both equally. A perfect cuddle mate, as it could regulate its flames to the absolute base. allowing the flames to be as bright as the sun, But as warm as a nice shower. On very cold nights, when both did not want to snuggle under nine feet of blankets. Izuku would summon her.'' Hello master.'' She greeted.'' Sorry for the hour But these two have something to ask.'' Uhm Miss Kitty, Please cuddle with us. it's cold.'' Eri said. She knew their names. She was old enough to speak normally, But she loved the cuteness factor. Matabi nodded as she hopped in between, Both Eri and Kota quickly snuggling the warm beast.

Isobu. The massive turtle. It's shell hard, But not when it comes to Kota. Both hit it off. Right now. deep into the sea, Kota was lying on Isubu's back. a shell of Crystal around him, He was a submarine for Kota as they explored the deep sea. Even if something would happen, that Isubu could not deal with. Next to Izuku sat the most skilled and true master of fishmen Karate. Jinbe. His large body relaxed on a chair as he enjoyed the sun.

Son Goku. again he was Kota's best friend. But how could they not find each other cool? For Kota, it was a massive Monkey. Monkeys were awesome to him and For Son Goku. This Human had a spirit that was not unlike Izuku. A drive that pushed him to do great, that pushed him toward the next level. Both rushed around. Learning how to fight, how to master the martial arts of the great monkey king Son Goku. Izuku could only watch with a smirk as Kota asked Son Goku a question. Before He grabbed him, Rushed up to the side of UA's main building, and he at Kota's request, did the King Kong moment.

Kokuo, or how Eri still called her, Pretty Horsey. Both loved to spend time with each other. Kokuo placed Eri on her back.'' I am ready.'' Eri quickly said as she grabbed onto Kokuo, Making sure she could not fall off. Kokuo nodded before she was off. Sprinting forward. running through the beautiful grass field that, Izuku could only describe as windows background. Izuku even struggled to keep up as Eri laughed to go faster and faster. And Izuku even with Shave and Geppo, was unable to keep up as Kokuo rushed around

Saiken. The slime-covered slug. While most assumed the slime was acidic, they would be right, Most of the time, But because they were matters of pure energy they could also alter that energy as they saw fit. as they wanted. Which was exactly what they did. It was what Saiken did. The large field was covered in slippery slime, and one by one, Eri and Kota called for people to join, and one by one they entered the field that allowed no escapes. Bakugo had been trying for 12 minutes, without any success, But then again Izuku had been pulling him back in most of the time.

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