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Nezu smiled as he looked over at the large force gathered today for the raid of the Big Mom Syndicate. While Nezu had not gotten information out of Katakuri about their location. Nezu was one of the smartest creatures on earth. So He took to thinking. First, was he locating all sites of any of the Big Mom groups? Any crime or just foto took of them. That was his base grid. He then highlighted all the known groups that Big Mom had working for her. Each street that was under their hold

With that, He had an inside ring, And then it was simple guesswork. They needed a location big enough to hide their operation. Aswell as hold all members. The only logical location was a wharf on the south side of Japan, Easily able to hide Big Mom and being surrounded by her forces. And seeing he had time to spare. He even tried narrowing it down to what building she would be in. But that information was not viable enough to share. More like a guessing game with himself. But the heroes were ready. All Six or well three hero classes of UA had met in front of the Building.

The teachers had readied themselves aswell. But while that force would have been scary, They had more. All Might, Endeavor, Mirko, and Ryukyu had also joined the fight. But the last group of powerhouses wasn't there yet. '' Sorry for my tardiness your Highness'' The man that would be transporting everyone said as he arrived in a portal in front of Izuku with a bow. Izuku smiled'' No problem Fin, It's more than alright, But let's get the gang shall we.'' But of course.'' Fin pressed his fingers together, his fingertips touching before spreading his hand wide open.

A portal opened up. To those that had never seen it before, they were in awe, It looked like a sky filled with stars. it looked breathtaking. But Izuku had seen it a million times. He stepped in, and from Japan, He was teleported into Washington DC. The Teleportation room. Izuku stepped in and the two highly trained guards who at first had their guards up dropped down to a knee with their heads low.'' Your Highness, We were not aware of your arrival.'' It's fine, I have come for Jordan.'' Izuku said walking passed them into the hall

'' FINALLY'' Jordan screamed loudly thru the halls. He had been bored out of his mind waiting for the fight. And Izuku finally showed up. He dashed thru the halls breaking doors as he opened them with too much force. It caused alot of people to raise their guard. One of them arrived before Jordan. The woman Jordan often sparred with. The woman that looked up to All Might alone. The number one hero of Amerika, Stars, and Stripes. She was shocked to see Izuku and like she always did bow to show respect.

Izuku greeted her only to be speared thru the hallway by Jordan.'' LET'S GOOOOOOO I NEED A GOOD FIGHT.'' Jordan screamed pulling Izuku up by his head and throwing him over his shoulder'' DONT WAIT UP,'' Jordan screamed before walking thru the portal that Fin had set up to get the next person. The king of Ice. Kurao was already waiting for them. Because of his quirk, Kurao never felt cold, Hot itself was hard but possible. He once even got a burn because of Izuku. '' Yo, Everything set.'' Kurao said standing up from the makeshift ice throne.'' Izuku removed himself from Jordan and kicked him into the snow.'' Yeah,''

That was all it took before they left for the other one, Jordan shaking from the cold as he wasn't dressed for that weather, Next up Bjorn. Who had seemed to start a party? He chugged down drinks from his horned glass.'' Yo, Wanna be Viking, you ready.'' Jordan said arriving at the party'' YES, I HAVE BEEN FEASTING FOR TODAY MIGHT BE MY LAST DAY HERE, LETS HURRY AND SEE IF VALHALA'S GATES HAVE BEEN OPENED FOR US.'' Bjorn loudly declared as he raised his axes. the crowd going wild. Only as they stepped thru the portal to go from loud cheering to dead silent.

They stepped from a feast into the large empty plain, Some bushes here or there and a large lake that Mike stepped out off. On his shoulders a massive 12 feet long alligator tied around the mouth.'' Ey, Mates, Is it already that time.'' Mike said seemingly lost in time as he dropped the still-alive crocodile.'' Just give me a sec, This beauty right here has a leg problem and gotta fix it.'' They quickly saw it. it seemed to have started a fight with something that left a tooth in its back leg. 

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