Izuku's day

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Izuku had just told Shinso he would be okay to train together, Izuku welcomed Shinso into the 1A dorms as he went and changed so he could better train. As he went to his room and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt Kirishima and Bakugo walked down and saw Shinso.

'' Yo Shinso what are you doing here bro?'' Kirishima called out friendly.'' During my match with him at the sports festival, he told me he was okay with training me, So I am here to take him up on that offer. I asked before but I needed to bulk up a bit.'' Shinso said as he showed his once lanky and thin frame turned into one with muscle on it.

'' So, you and Mibrodiya are going to work out, Can we join we were going to do the same?'' Kirishima said with Bakugo not being opposed to the idea, He wanted to go around with Izuku without Quirks and hopefully learn a bit more about the Six powers. '' Sure I dont mind, so it's up to Midoriya.''

'' What's up to me,'' Izuku said as he came into the common room from the stairs.'' If it's okay for us to join you.'' Kirishima asked with Izuku nodding.'' The more the merrier right.'' I mean we could invite more, I'll post in the group chat for the guys, Shinso why dont you invite some of 1B aswell.'' Sure I will ask. Dont think anyone was really busy.'' Let's go to Gym Omega, It's a nice open field with some outdoor training equipment should be great.'' Kirishima suggested with everyone liking the idea.

It only took 15 minutes as they went jogging. As they got their all 4 were warmed up and the responses were in. From 1A Only Todoroki and Ida came, The rest apparently had plans other than working out. From 1B Kendo, Setsuna, Yui, TetsuTetsu, Kamakiri, and Pony came. They wanted to go as a group but they were all a little away and would meet up there.

As they arrived at the Omega they noticed 5 people already working out. Izuku noticed that he met all 5 of them on the same day, It was Nejire, Yuyu, Tamaki, and Mirio together with Mei. Izuku had no idea why Mei would be hanging out with the big three. '' Yo Midoriya, You gonna work out aswell,'' Mirio called out with Izuku giving a nod. Mei looked at him for a second as she stopped her bicep curls.

She looked for a couple more seconds then her eyes widened.'' YOU'RE THE DRONE GUY.'' She yelled out with Izuku laughing and nodding.'' Izuku Midoriya at your service. How is the drone by the way.'' Mei just laughed the name not connecting in her head.'' Oh, it's great. I was able to take it apart and put it back together just fine. Should be able to upgrade the range without much problem just have to design a better stabilizer and router.'' Izuku nodded while having no real idea what she was talking about.

'' By the way, What are you doing with the big three?'' Oh well, Nejire is my big sister, So every once in a while we work out together.'' Mei said with a laugh as she went back to working out and writing blueprints at the same time.'' Really never would have guessed with you having two different names and not really looking like the other.'' Yeah, I look more like our mom and she looks like dad but we do have our boobies in common.'' Nejire said laughing like a manic at the shock of Yuyu as she pumped her breast up a little. Izuku nearly laughed at the whole deal. He was far too used to the actions of Mina and Nemuri.

'' Guess we will leave you to enjoy your workout with your sister,'' Izuku said as she went a little away to give them privacy and went to train with his own class. Bakugo and Kirishima already went and started with a little weight training. '' Dont think I have to help you benchpress right.'' Nah TetsuTetsu helps enough with that. I need some combat help.'' Izuku nodded.'' Well at first I guess thinking of a good weapon for you to use would be best, Most heroes who dont have a quirk that helps them in combat use weapons to gain an advantage so you thought about what weapon you want to use?'' Not really, I kind of thought I could get far with my quirk and just learn to fight.'' Well, how about some knuckle protection or something that gives your punches a more bang. Maybe a gadget to give you more power. (With that both Mirio and Mei shot up. Mei for the gadget and Mirio for the power.) ( just a little joke hope you liked it)

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