Getting a present.

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(A/N I know I wouldn't upload this weekend for this book but I had chapters done faster than I would have thought so tada.

Its been a week ever since Izuku took the entrance exam at UA. He was now sitting in the house that his parents own close to UA. In that week he hasn't been contacted by the 2 girls he met yet which he found rather disappointing but understood as his rank often scares people away. Izuku at the moment was reading a book as one of his servants enters the room. '' Young Prince your letter for UA has arrived.'' An older-looking gentleman said who was wearing a nice suit with white hair combed back. '' Thank you Alfred'' Izuku said as he took the letter '' How are your wife and Children Alfred.'' Izuku asked his Butler.'' they are fine my oldest child just became a father and I couldn't be happier.'' Go and take the day of Alfred I am fine spend some time with them.'' Izuku told his butler, Who agreed and thanked him.

Izuku sat at his table in his room. His nerves were high, Sure he was confident that he would pass but the chance of him failing would always be a possibility. He opened it with a letter opener and out popped a disk. He was slightly confused but pressed the button on the disk and out popped Midnight.

She stood with a sexy smile and a hand on top of her hip and her other hand she used to give him a wave.'' Hello Izuku Midoriya, I am here to give you your results of the entrance exam. You did extremely well even with that great body of yours.'' Midnight bites her lip as she commented on his body making Izuku blush hard and give him a nosebleed.

'' Your written part was perfect and as we looked at the camera footage we noticed that you only took around half an hour the rest of the time you looked asleep. Which wasn't a problem I found it rather amusing. The practical part was also impressive. You scored 108 villain points and 120 Hero Points. The hero points were given to those who saved others. you gained 120 points not only for saving those 2 girls but also for the many saves you did during the exam.'' Then it showed Izuku Teleporting around with the Pika Pika no mi and removing robots and rubble from the paths of others.

'' The true job of a hero is not that of beating bad guys but it's saving others. you surpassed both the records held before. With beating the villain points by 2 but the hero points by 12 very impressive.'' Midnight said as she blew a kiss at Izuku thru the screen. '' Welcome Prince Izuku Midoriya to your Hero academia. See in class hot stuff.'' Midnight finished with a blowing a kiss and a wink at Izuku causing him to get a bigger nose bleed and becoming even redder'' She will be the death of me for sure.'' Izuku said to himself.

He quickly stood and ran toward his laptop calling his father and mother who were in east Asia at a talk with the rulers about some laws but those talks were later so he knew the talk was later. They answered the Video call quickly.

'' Hello, Honey is something wrong.'' His mother Inko asked her son.'' No mother I am fine I have something to inform you and father.'' Alright, honey let me get your father.'' Inko left the screen and went to get her husband after a minute both arrived at the screen.'' Hello son.'' Hisashi greeted his son.'' Hello father I hope you both are well.'' Of course, we are son what was the news you had for us.'' Izuku now gained a smile.'' I was accepted in UA. I passed with a perfect score and even passed the old records.

'' Well done son I am proud of you.'' O honey how great I am so happy for you baby.'' His father and mother congratulated him'' Son both your mother and think it's time you get something we planned on giving you later but we believe you deserve it now. I will inform Jin about it and he will make sure you receive it when you enter UA.'' Thank you, mom, Dad'' Izuku told them with a tear in his eyes making his mother tear up as well only worse.'' O honey dont cry you'll make me cry as well.'' 

You know son it might be time for you to settle down.'' His father told him with a small smirk enjoying teasing his son.'' Remember what the quirk Docter said honey your quirk will give you an increased Libido so you have to get multiple partners.'' His father teased Izuku some more as he now became red-ish with his mother giggling.'' I hope for many grandbabies to spoil.'' This made Izuku redder than before '' I know but having the title of Prince of Asia doesn't really help with getting the girls as they often get scared away.'' Izuku said a little dejected.'' Dont worry son I am sure that during your time at UA you will find someone for sure.'' His father told him. Both of them talked for a little longer about no topic in mind.

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