From a fight to a WAR!

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Hey guys I am now going to do some streaming Once again. Not fully sure what game to play but Join me and help me decide. the place to be

Both All Might and Endeavor had started moving toward the location Izuku had moved thru at light speed. They weren't nearly as fast and they sadly had to move around buildings. Both were also worried about overworking themselves as they got there and being a burden to Izuku. But that would not stop them from trying their best. '' We can't just fucking stay here right. WE GOT POWER TO HELP RIGHT.'' Bakugo said with an explosion from his palm.'' No, we don't, Bakugo while I know you're a strong hero. You're capable of fighting alot of different people without alot of effort.''

Nemuri held Eri tightly. Not planning to let her go any time soon.'' But this is different. These are absolute monsters. LOOK.'' She pointed at the red-haired platoon.'' They are here to protect us. They are here to make sure nothing happens to us. Look at the rage Izuku gave off. He cracked the floor to get there. That shake was Izuku. This won't be your average fight.'' She explained. Then in a soft voice.'' We just have to hope Izuku comes back to us in one piece.'' She was 100 serious in this statement.

She had heard the stories. How his grandfather. A man so powerful. He could make the sky split with his rage. Steps are so powerful. the earth shook. A man so powerful that if he wanted he could have taken over the world. one against all. But in the end, he was killed because of childish tactics and cheating. And now Izuku is going to face the man that murdered and stole from his grandfather If Nemuri could have wanted to help. But just like Bakugo or the others here. They would just be a burden that could cost Izuku his life.

'' Don't worry Bakugo. I have tracked that asshole for years. He ran away on each step as we got closer. There is a chance that he will do so again. But he loves playing dirty. So we might just get some extra guests here aswell.'' Shanks explained. He had trained under Roger before. That man was the absolute power. Izuku was getting close to him. He lacked the raw power of course. The Haki, But he had an arsenal of quirks.'' oh they can fucking try showing up. But before that. Let's get them to a safer place.'' Bakugo aimed at the weaker ones.

Izuku's hair and his clothing had turned a whiter color. And it almost seemed as if he was smoking. His body was smoking, But then it stopped. But Izuku's smile did not disappear.'' What? are your powers failing you?'' AFO said cockily but Izuku just laughed right in his face. Which angered the evil overlord.'' SHISHISHISHI. No, It's just getting a hang of it.'' Izuku's skin turned pinkish. He leaned his hand back before it snapped forward. Before AFO even recognized something happened. He felt a heavy pressure in his gut.

Izuku had just punched him.'' WHA'' But Izuku didn't just stop. It happened again and again and again. Each time AFO kicked back a little.'' WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING.'' AFO got very angry as he raised both of his fists and shot air pressure at Izuku. Half the street was torn open.  Izuku slammed his fist into the ground to hopefully hold him in place. But the pressure was too much. He spat out blood as he was rocketed back. He was slammed thru a building. But as he got out of the building both All Might and Endeavor showed up.

'' Hey Keep him away for a short while, please. I am close to something.'' Izuku had a base understanding of what the Whitehair meant. Izuku knew each of the names of the powers. It was just in his brain. But strangely enough. He was wrong about one of them. The fruit he always believed to be the Gum-Gum fruit. It wasn't that. It was a human Human fruit. It was so strange. He didn't get it. Why did it change? So he had to figure that out because he was still missing a big part.

It was almost like it was a zoan type. Transformation type power.'' YOU CAN COUNT ON US, SIR.'' All Might said as he dashed around only to show up at the side of AFO. He dashed by'' FLORIDA SMASH.'' He called out as he elbowed AFO to the side of the head.'' THAT'S FOR WHAT YOU DID AGAINST MY MASTER.'' Even All Might had a score to settle with this man.'' HEAT WEB. THOUSANDS SPIDER FLAME.'' Endeavor called out copying a move he had seen Izuku do during the USJ. Small ember sparks flew around AFO before they exploded into a massive flame Typhoon.

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