Royally pissed off

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Izuku went into the empty classroom and threw a table across the room as he let loose a frustrated scream. Shike already got on his nerves, But that was only half because of what Shike did here, Izuku had learned that Shike had shamed one of his wives into sleeping outside with a chain around her neck.

She wasn't the best cook but was still forced to cook that day, He claimed that it tasted like dog food and if she would cook like one then she better sleep like one aswell. In the hotel, they had followed the order of Alfred and didn't show any women as to not give Shike any chance for claiming a new wife,

'' Izuku Bro are you good now.'' Jordan asked as he was one of the people that went with Izuku so that he wouldn't kick Shike's head in.'' I'm fine, thanks for stopping me, I lost control.'' Dont worry about it, That is was buddies are for are they not? If your good now, I am going to check on my ma and pa, Keep out of trouble.'' 

'' Izuku what happened, You're normally never that short-tempered.'' Nemuri said, Sure she had seen him pissed of before but this was something new, She had never seen his Haki that strong before.'' Yeah, and what was with the ground cracking.'' I can explain that Lady Asido.'' Jin said as he walked in.'' Each person has Haki, But the Royal families have a certain gene within themselves called D-gene, This Gene allows to use of Conqueror's Haki aswell as a somewhat better Haki, But The D-gene reacts to the other D-gene within the other Royalty, Thus When Normally Prince Izuku can perfectly use his Haki. this pulls it out.'' Jin said as Izuku tried keeping his breathing under control.

'' Ah, By the way, Why did you call me lady Ashido?'' Well because you are in relations with Prince Izuku, And while normally in a more informal setting I would ask which you prefer but with this many diplomates arriving aswell as other royal families the proper titles much be used.'' So then we are all Lady's.'' Yes, Lady Uraraka and Lady Kayama. That is correct.'' Jin said with a smile as all the three ladies were a little embarrassed about it

'' Well Lady, Prince We should head toward the meeting room, '' I understand Jin, let's go.'' Izuku stood up and stretched his back, He let loose a deep breath and nodded with Eri walking toward Izuku to be carried which he did.

After a short walk, they entered the room the teachers used everyone was already sitting down waiting,'' Sorry for the wait, Now shall we begin.'' He sat down next to his mother with Eri on his lap. '' Great, Now Normally today is nothing more than a greeting to each other so that tomorrow our talk with the other country leaders goes a little more smoothly, But it seems that its a little different,'' Hisashi said as he stood up

'' Today Shike has challenged Izuku to a fight, The winner of that fight would hold Asia, Afrika, and Europe, That has great repercussions for all of us if it happens,'' How do you mean Hisashi.'' The king of America asked. '' Well Anyway you look at it, Trading will change, We all know that at the moment trading with Europe and Afrika is nearly nonexistent.'' Because needing help if for the weak.'' Shike said.

'' But no matter that, If Izuku would lose.'' Which will happen.'' IF that happens, It will mean the trading with Asia will drop. But if Izuku were to win, Trading will also take place with Afrika aswell as Europe again. So I would like the main focus to be that tomorrow.'' Hisashi said.

'' That point will not be brought up because he won't be alive then, and you will be running away scared and pathetic.'' Shike please refrain from such talks, You can speak but do not talk like that to our host.'' Australia's new king said as Shike scoffed.

'' Well that is it for that, About the fight, It can take place today if both parties agree.'' I am fine with that Father,'' Do you not need time to say goodbye to your family, But I am fine with that, I am fine with fighting you now, So bring it on.'' No fighting here, Now Then As the fight as been agreed upon, I shall give the floor to Dwayne Strongarm, King Of Amerika as I am personally involved.'' Thank you, Hisashi.''

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