The dorms and The six powers

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1A arrived at the dorms with Nemuri. Each student had a different reaction to seeing the large building. Ochaco and Nami were shocked at the size, While Momo and Ida commented about having a similar size building. Izuku and Robin commented on the impressive architecture.

Midnight then started to explain the dorms.'' Welcome everyone to the UA dorms or also known as Height alliance.'' She said as she opened the door. The students saw the large room. '' This is the common floor. On this floor, we have a living room as well as a kitchen. The showers are also on this floor But they are split by gender. and for anyone shy don't you worry. Within the shower room, there are multiple stalls to shower in private.''This made some of the guys a little at easy. They weren't extremely shy but having some privacy whilst showering is also nice. 

'' There is also a bath in both shower rooms. In the common area, there is also a room for your laundry, and last but not least is the courtyard. Then the rest of the floors are the rooms for you to sleep in. Every student gets their own room equipped with air conditioning, toilets, beds, fridges, closets, and a balcony. We made sure to bring all the boxes you took with you into your room. To make sure each of you can find your room we made this sheat.'' Midnight explained as she took the sheet that sat on one of the kitchen tables and showed it to the students.

'' Midnight explained as she took the sheet that sat on one of the kitchen tables and showed it to the students

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'' Wait Why does Midoriya have such a large room and why is your name on the same part,'' Kaminari asked. with Izuku getting a little embarrassed about it, Nemuri on the other hand liked it.'' Well because I gonna spend my nights here of course.'' She said with a wink.

Mina then jumped on Izuku's back.'' It's the dorms so now you are gonna tell about that cool power right.'' Izuku look to his shoulder and noticed at Mina had her face next to his. This caused Mina to have a small blush but she was determined to at least get something from this. '' Mina you shouldn't be so impatient. Only good patient girls get rewarded.'' He then smiled at Mina This seemed a little much for Mina who jumped off and went to hide behind the other girls.

'' I did say I was gonna show that power more but we should wait for a little as I am still expecting some others that wanted to know about the power. So how about we first move in and then eat something.'' Everyone agreed and moved toward their dorm room.

 Everyone changed their clothing to something a little more casual and something they could train in. Mostly everyone had sweatpants except some of the girls and Ida who wore Shorts. For shirts, it was T-shirts and Sleeveless for the most part. Izuku had on a compression shirt while Nemuri and some of the girls wore crop tops.

Then they started to unbox their stuff. Izuku and Nemuri first help Eri. Izuku made sure Eri had everything she would ever want. She had many stuffed animals and dolls. Her room looked like a child's heaven. She even had a gaming system. Of course, it only allowed offline games but it had enough games. Eri knew how to use them and enjoyed playing games on them.

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