End of Spots festival.

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The sports festival just got done, and the students were changing back into their normal clothing. '' Yo Midobro, What was that stuff you did during your fight with Todobroki,'' Kirishima asked a question that many of the students wanted to know. Many thought it might have been a quirk. '' I will say when we are at the dorms Friday. We got tomorrow free for packing everything then Friday we got some classes and then we move in. after we move in I will explain in full detail okay.'' Izuku told them with Kirishima giving him a thumbs up and the others also agreeing.

Todoroki silent and mostly in thought did give a nod at Izuku that he wanted to know more about the powers. Bakugo didn't remember the last fight fully. He remembered giving it his all but he still lost. In his mind, Izuku must have cheated some way. He did stay quiet the entire time but he was pissed with Izuku. 

as the students got done re-dressing themselves they walked out and again Izuku was asked about the powers he used but he gave the same answer he did when he was asked by Kirishima. Izuku wanted to walk away but jumped on his back.'' Come on Izu if you tell me I will reward you.'' Mina singsonged in his ear. Izuku already used to Mina teasing and decided to tease back.'' Well if you wait until the dorms. I could reward you then for being such a good girl.'' This caused Mina's cheek to become a darker Pink. She did however get off and give a nod and then quickly runoff.

Izuku walked away again toward Eri and Nemuri. He thanked Nemuri mentally for all the teasing she does to Izuku and the help she gives for teasing back. As he arrived Eri ran as fast as her little feet could take and tackled Izuku in the legs. Izuku lifted her and gave her a massive hug. Nemuri and the other pro heroines that were watching the sports festival. 

Nemuri and her friends also walked up with Nemuri kissing Izuku on the cheek for his win at the sports festival. Izuku spoke a little to all the pro's with some of them also wanting to know about the weird powers Izuku used. Midnight knew a little of the powers but it was more so that she knew the overall name instead of the real powers. She identified it as The Six powers or Rokushiki. All Nemuri knew about it was that Aizawa could use them as well only he rarely did.

Izuku did tell them a little but said that he would explain better Friday when he would inform the students. They agreed to stop by Friday and learn a little more only if he would agree to teach how to at least learn to use them. Which Izuku was more than willing to do.

Izuku then went home with Eri and Nemuri. On their way toward Izuku's house, they were talking about the dorms. Nemuri informed Izuku that he would receive a larger dorm room than the rest. Not because of his rank but because he has relationships and a daughter. 

Nemuri slept most of her nights with Izuku. Their relationship had not yet become public but that would most likely come to a stop soon. Eri was excited to learn that she would get her own room right next to Izuku's with a door that connected to them.  Nemuri did inform Izuku that she wanted to sleep in his dorm if that was okay. Izuku grabbed her hand as he was still driving and brought it to his mouth to give it a little kiss and then he spoke.'' I would be a fool to say no Nem. You can always sleep in my room.'' Nemuri blushed but was very excited.

-- With Todoroki's

Shoto was in the back of the car with his sister Fuyumi, Who was hiding her smile from Shoto as he looked rather depressed. Shoto was deep in thought but as they arrived at the Todoroki estate Shoto began to look a little disturbed. As they got out of the car they were met with Rei Todoroki their mother. She congratulated Shoto on reaching so high in the sports festival and that she was cheering the entire time. Shoto told her that he has something to inform but her and his father Enji Todoroki or better known as Endeavor.

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