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Katsuki rolled over in his bed. He hugged his blanket closer. Why the fuck was it that cold in his room. Katsuki kept his sleeping mask on. The custom weight helped him sleep better. It caused the light to be blocked out aswell. But then he heard it. A fucking horn.'' Damn fucking dunce face and raccoon eyes better not be doing dumb shit this fucking early. I will fucking kill them.'' Katsuki grumbled as he sat up. A cold breeze washed over him'' Dafuq.'' He spoke as he removed his eye mask. His vision was blurry and forced to hide behind his hand. 

Extreme brightness. As his eyes adjusted he started truly seeing his surroundings. Katsuki noticed he was no longer in his room. In reality, he was no longer in any room. As he looked around. Katsuki saw that his bed had been removed from his room. and connected to the bottom of a zeppelin. '' what the fuck IS GOING ON.'' Katsuki screamed in rage. he instantly knew the only fuckhead that would do a prank like this. Izuku. Katsuki noticed they were going over his old home.'' what the fuck.'' Katsuki wanted to use his quirk.

Only for cuffs to be around his hands. Just two bracelets that stopped his quirk.'' FUCKING MIDORIYAAAAA!'' Katsuki screamed in rage as he stood on his bed. It was the first time he looked down. Katsuki nearly popped a blood vessel. His rage nearly broke the quirk-canceling bracelet right there. Somehow. Katsuki's bed sheets had transformed from the plain red ones. too now a custom picture. It was his mom. Around 15 years younger. and nowadays Izuku. both smiling as they held a baby Katsuki. He was going to kill Izuku. It took nearly 90 minutes before the zeppelin made its way back to UA. He instantly saw the fuckers who did this

Izuku, nearly doubled over laughing his ass off. His mom Mitsuki prone on the floor in tears laughing so hard. Those for sure had stuff to do with it. But of course, nearly the entirety of UA was sitting outside staring at them. what the fuck were they laughing at. As the bed landed Katsuki instantly sprinted for Izuku. His fist was ready to beat the green-haired shit stain into the dirt. Only for him to miss. Izuku to fly up and Katsuki to see the fucking zeppelin.

It was a picture of Katsuki sleeping and Izuku lying next to him. smirking and holding a thumbs up. with the text. stepdad and son, best friends forever. '' I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!!. YOUR A FUCKING DEAD MAN RAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!.'' Katsuki screamed with rage. he was a dead man. there was no way about it. Only to hear his mom still laughing. rolling in the dirt say.'' Dont speak to your father like that.'' Katsuki started chasing Izuku who was laughing. '' Come on my boy. how about you just play catch with your old man and forget the rest.''


Mina and Izuku landed in the Whitehouse. The portal closed behind them.'' Welcome sir, Ma'am.'' The two women neatly dressed spoke.'' Hey. Sorry Mina wanted to do some sightseeing. So we will get out your hair.'' Izuku said as he and Mina made it out of the Whitehouse. Mina of course took a couple of pictures with some of the things. But their main objective was shopping. Mina wanted to see the Land of the free and home of the brave.'' Now then let's head toward the tourist area. that's always a fun area to go to.'' Izuku said. 

The busiest area most of the time. Hundreds of people selling knock-off designer stuff. Some of the stuff Izuku liked. Mina hugged Izuku close. The extremely busy street was far too loud and chaotic for anyone to even notice Izuku and Mina as who they really were. Both looked gladly down the items.'' Oh wow. That is really mental. I can barely notice it's a fake.'' Izuku nodded. That was exactly why. These people made impressive fakes. Which was the exact reason why they were allowed. These people could 100% make the exact same item.

But if they made the items the exact same they could be sued. That would cost millions in cost. And just not worth it. So with small alterations. Gucci is written like Gusci instead. The small change made it so they kept all the profit.'' HERE IT IS BOYS AND GIRLS, LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. THE UNRELEASED QUEEN BUBBLEGUM BUBBLEGUM. THE TASTE IS FIT FOR ROYALITY.'' Both heard it. Mina was confused yet Izuku smiled. Both made their way over. Two stalls over there it was. '' WHA,'' Mina spoke loudly. how dare they. this was something Mina never expected.

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