Rage will set you free

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Izuku had started to move to the dorm. He knew Eri was safe. But he still wanted to hold her. To calm her down. So with Shave, he moved. Dashing back to the dorm. On his way there, He met them going toward him.'' Eri.'' Izuku called out as he threw his arms around his daughter and hugged her tightly. Eri of course was in tears. And as she hugged her father. More tears started to flow. Together with her screams of being scared. She missed her father. But now it was fine.

He held her tightly.'' Let's go find Momma Nem.'' Izuku told her as he lifted her up.'' Everyone else are you fine.'' Yeah, I just need to know how the fuck we are gonna get payback.'' Setsuna said angry as hell they just marched in. Beat their ass and grabbed Eri.'' You all will do nothing. I will deal with AFO myself.'' HEY FUCK YOU BROCLI BITCH. I AIN'T BACKING DOWN.'' Izuku was in no mood for games, however. With a stern look at Bakugo, he made him silent.'' You will. You are all too weak to fight someone like him. And I won't give him hostages to make me hold back.''

Izuku pulled out his phone but before Ida could say his phone would have no reach. Izuku had already started calling.'' what.''  Some of the students had grabbed their phones as they were hiding in the dorms. And of course, they had tried to reach out to someone. Nemuri. All Might. Nezu, all calls were blocked but here Izuku was able to just make a phone call.'' It's me. I will need you all to get to UA. There has been an attack on Eri.'' Izuku closed his phone and looked at the surprised students.

'' What?'' How can you call? We have no bars?'' Izuku just showed them his phone. The Royal lead creator often makes sure our gadgets work thru mostly everything. Jammers. Water. everything.'' That is amazing why not share this with the world.'' Ida asked as they started making their way toward where Nemuri could be.'' Because if everyone knew how this was made. It would have no more sure. People could create around it, Making it useless.'' Izuku explained. Thankfully Nemuri had been wanting to move to Izuku and Eri. She had been worried sick.

But the students that noticed the attack were just like her. Forced her to stay. saying that she had to trust in the heroes and students to protect Eri and she would be saved. As they reached the area where Izuku had stopped the bad guys. Eri had started weeping instead of her loud screams before. Still buried in Izuku's chest afraid. In the middle right as Izuku assumed. The red-haired Platoon stood at the ready.'' Yassop found him, sir.'' Where.'' A couple of miles south of here. He has a perfect viewpoint from up there and really nobody would be able to spot him. Apart from me, that is.''

'' Okay. does he suspect anything?'' No. He is still sitting there with a smug look. Tho he is slightly annoyed you won again sir. Want me to you know? End it.'' Yassop asked, Holding a high-powered sniper right to the wall. It was a specially created weapon only really Yassop could use. it was an extremely high-powered rifle. The blast alone would put a hole in the wall of UA. And the bullet. Well, let's just say AFO won't be seeing anything really.'' No, it will blow our cover. Dont worry I have a plan.''

Izuku said just as Nemuri rushed over. She jumped to Eri hugging her tightly before rushing over and checking each one of the students. Quickly noting a red mark at the base of each of their neck.'' Oh, what happened. are you all fine? I should have been here to help.'' But as quickly as Nem tried taking the blame it was shot down.'' No. It was our own weakness that caused these injuries. We shall grow stronger. It was best for you to stay back and protect yourself and the baby.'' Izuku nodded. While he was pissed at what happened to Eri. If they also tried something with Nem or his unborn child. He would have recreated what happened to all 8 bullets but without the help of the Uta Uta no mi.

'' Nem please Hold Eri for me.'' wHA NO PAPA PLEASE.'' Eri cried but Izuku needed to stop this for good.'' You all protect them.'' Izuku ordered Shanks and the rest. And they did. While they looked like they were just hanging around now. It was to fool AFO. They would look extremely relaxed almost to the point of weirdness. Just being there. But they were fully prepared.

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