Telling the world

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Izuku and his girls made it to the room with all the news crew, There were some independent reporters. all wondering the awnsers of what just happened just a little ago. Izuku offered his hand to Eri and the girls to get them up saver, He followed last, Close behind him Shanks and Alfred followed.

Izuku went to the podium, cleared his throat, Both hands were placed neatly on the table as he looked the room over. Everyone's eyes glued on him.'' Hello everyone, Thank you all for taking a moment out of your busy days to be here, I apologize for the wait. Now you all must have questions about what has happened today, While I am happy to answer whatever questions you all have. I would first take some time, To apologize to everyone here. During my fight with Shike, I was sadly forced to use deadly force, And if that caused anyone any trauma or problems I deeply apologize for that.'' Izuku said as he bowed his head, 

'' After the fight the other royal families went down and bent a knee to me, announcing me king of the world. This is something new, Something that hasn't happened for many centuries. I understand this is a shock to everyone, This includes myself. I will now take some questions.'' Izuku said with everyone raising their hands with some already asking.

'' The lady in the front with the red glasses.'' Hello Sir, I am Elaine from RoyalReports. My question to you is what will happen with the other royal families, When they give up their power what will you do with them?'' She asked in a respectable tone.'' A very good question, The world is a big place, and while I could travel from country to country day in and day out, I have a family that has their roots here in japan, Much like myself, So if I could I would prefer not to keep traveling.'' He said with a chuckle 

'' But I plan to keep them in power, My goal would be for the world to main remotely the same, Each continent will keep their royal family, The Armstrongs will stay in control in America, etcetera, They will then once a year we will have a meeting altogether.'' So nothing will change. And who will take the leading part withing Europe and Afrika.'' No there will be changes, First of all, Afrika and Europe will be freed again, The power system in Afrika is removed,''

'' What do you mean by that sir.'' a man with hair that was entirely made off keratin asked.'' Within Afrika your rank in the world is only judged by your power, How strong you are means how important you are, That now stops, It will be like the rest of the world from now on. As for who will lead there, I met a kind ruler and his daughter during my travels within Afrika. I plan to have that same daughter to take Shike's spot. The name of this woman Is Nefertari Vivi. Daughter of King Cobra Nefertari.'' Izuku said as Alfred pulled out a laptop that had a video call with Vivi who wore very fancy clothing.

'' I-its an honor that Prince Midoriya has placed his faith in me, I shall try and live up to his hopes.''  Vivi said very nervously as this was her first time being on TV, or at least every TV, '' Do you already have any plans for Afrika.'' Please go ahead Vivi,'' Izuku said giving Vivi the stand which made her panic a little but Izuku knew that she had to get her footing under her quickly as she would be given a very high position.

Vivi looked had sweat on her forehead and was breathing a little heavier than she would normally.'' Vivi, Please calm down, Take a breath, Just tell them about our energy plan, as if you were explaining it to me.'' These words from Izuku seemingly calmed Vivi down, Her breathing calmed down and she looked ready.'' The plan myself and Prince Midoriya came up with, Is one to help everyone. By placing many large solar panels within the desert, We can generate more than enough power to sustain more than half of the entire world, If not more,''

Izuku looked on with a smile as Vivi took point and started talking with the Media about the plan,  After 5 minutes Izuku had to put a stop to it,'' That is enough for now, Our plans are not yet final, Thus we should not say anything that will be proven false later on, But do not worry, When we have a real plan there will be a real announcement, But we have more to get to.'' Izuku said holding down a laugh as he saw Vivi shrink down a little.

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