s q u a s h i n g

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Meredith is silently sitting on the couch with Cristina while Callie and Arizona's on the couch playing thumb war. They'll are drunk. The door opened and all heads looked at the person who entered without even knocking.

"Addison?" Callie asked, Meredith's eyes widened while Addison froze.

"Just enter already, Montgomery." Cristina said and chuckles. Meredith smothered Cristina's arms and chuckles. She fold her legs together while Addison closed the door behind her and put her coat on the counter. She smiled at them.

"What.. Wait.. How.." Arizona asked, Callie laughed and also Cristina.

"My girlfriend moved in with me." Meredith said, Addison chuckles nervously while Callie and Arizona's eyes widened. They looked at Cristina.

"What? Oh no, I'm not into threesome." Cristina joked. Meredith laughed, Addison smiled and kissed the blonde's forehead.

"You'll are drunk?" she asked, Cristina offered Addison the pizza box, she gets it and uttered thanks. She sat besides Meredith.

"Oh I forgot, Dr. Altman's outside also, waiting for you." Addison said while looking at Cristina who choke up. She suddenly stood up and ran towards the door.

"She really is drunk." Addison said and chuckles.

"What's with Yang and Altman?" Arizona asked.

"Cristina's crush. Just shh.." Meredith said and hushed then laughed.

"You are drunk also." Addison said to Meredith.

Meredith pouts while Addison bite on the pizza. "I never knew.." Callie said, breaking the silence.

"Meredith pushed me on an on call room and propose to me." Addison joked. Arizona laughed while Callie gasped.

"What?! No! You and I met on the bar. Spent night drinking and eventually ended up on your hotel naked. And---" Meredith rambles but Addison covered her mouth.

"Okay TMI TMI bae." Addison said and chuckles but her cheeks flushed.

"Oooh.. One night stand.." Callie said and chuckles.

"GUYS DR. ALTMAN'S HERE!" Cristina yelled while holding Teddy's wrist trying to resist going inside the house.

"Dr. Yang!" she hissed.

"What? It's Cristinaa~" Cristina yelled and closed the door behind.

"Where are your roommates?" Addison asked Meredith who is leaning on her.

"George and Alex was out with Izzie." Meredith explained, Addison's eyebrows furrowed but she nodded her head.

"How drunk are you?" Addison whispered on Meredith's ears.

"Too drunk to do this." Meredith whispered and she cupped Addison's breast while her clothes on.

Addison gasped then she covered her mouth and hold Meredith's hand. "Meredith.." she hissed. Callie and Arizona giggles because they witness it while Cristina and Teddy's confused because they are busy talking.

"Hey! What's that?" Cristina asked, Meredith giggles. "Boobies~" she sang, Addison buried her face on Meredith's neck.

"Maybe I should cook?" Addison asked and was about to stand when Meredith pouts her lips.

"No, actually Arizona and I will go home now. We need to get Sophie on Mark's." Callie said and smiled. They both stood up and went out the house.

Teddy assisted Yang towards her room. "You can sleep here." Meredith said to Teddy who just chuckle.

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