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As tired as she is. Meredith pressed herself on the wall of the hospital, sighing, Dr. Bailey saw her.

“Dr. Grey, are you alright?” the short woman asked, Meredith opened her eyes and smiled a bit. “Just tired, 48 hours of no sleep is really hard,” the short woman frowned, “You need to go home, I'll let Karev cover you. You are not going to kill yourself through accidents, but through lack of sleep,” Bailey rambles.

Meredith can't help but to smile, “Aaaw.. Dr. Bailey's rambling,” the short woman glared at the blonde, “Go now, or I'll extend your non sleeping days into weeks,” she warned the blonde.

Meredith stood up and chuckles, “Thanks Dr. Bailey, wait have you see---”

“She got home 3 hours from now,” Bailey said and went to Dr. Webber's office.

Meredith chuckles and get her things on her locker room.

“Amelia? Wait.. You are on call tonight? Who's taking care of the kids?” Meredith asked Amelia, who is yawning while walking the locker room.

“Addison was there,” Amelia said and changed her shirt and jeans to scrubs.

“I'm going home now,” Meredith said, Amelia just nodded her head and Meredith went to her car.

Silence was what welcomed Meredith when she got home.

She glanced on her watched, 7pm..

She opened the door slowly, not creating any noise, she sighed and put her coat on the counter.

Meredith was stunned when she saw Addison on the rocking chair, Zola and Ellis was on her arms while Bailey and Henry's head was on the redhead's lap. They're peacefully sleeping.

Meredith saw the Beauty and the Beast book of Ellis on the floor.

Meredith stopped for a while, trying to memorize the small cute picture in front of hers.

Zola stirred and rubbed her eyes, Meredith was about to move when she saw Addison's hand tapped Zola's back.

“Shh.. It's okay, Zola.. Mommy's going back anytime soon..” Meredith smiled upon hearing those words from Addison.

She quickly changed her clothes and tapped Addison's cheeks.

“Addie.. Sweetheart?” Meredith whispered, the redhead stirred and opened her eyes.

“Mer..” Addison smiled, the blonde chuckles. “I will going to put Bailey and Henry on their room,” The redhead nodded her head.

Meredith took Henry first and put him on his room and then Bailey.

She also took Ellis and put her on her room.

Addison took Zola on her room.

Meredith and Addison stopped on the stairs while looking at each other.

Meredith smiled, she walked towards the redhead, who opened her arms.

Meredith suddenly hugged the redhead, “Welcome home, honey,” the blonde blushed and chuckles.

“I am finally home,” Meredith said and kissed the redhead's lips.

“I fall asleep with them, we are patiently waiting for you,” Addison suddenly said, Meredith hummed while burying her face on Addie's neck. They're both standing while swaying.

“Caught up with so many papers and patients,” Meredith said and yawned.

The redhead scooped Meredith, who smiled.

“You need to rest, Mrs. Montgomery-Grey,” Addison said and put the blonde on the bed, Meredith crawled up making the redhead to chuckles.

“Lazy bunny,” Addison whispered. She lay down next to Meredith..

The blonde hugged the redhead, who kissed her forehead.

“Good Night, Addie..”

“Good night, Mer..”


Another one.
20:00 * 12th day of June, 2021
553 words

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