D a d d y~

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Zola was rubbing her eyes when Meredith and Addison entered her room. Callie and Cristina leaned on the doorframe.

"Good morning baby," Meredith whispered and sit on the left side of Zola.

"Good morning, Zozo," Addison said and remained standing up.

Zola looked up at her Mommies. "Do you have something to confess on me?" she asked.

Addison's face turned into confused one, while Meredith was thinking.

"Confession? About what Zozo?" Addison asked.

Callie rose an eyebrow while Cristina step forward a bit.

"Any hidden Daddy?" Zola asked while staring intently at her 2 mommies.

"Daddy?" Meredith asked, then blushed as she saw Addison's smirked on the corner of her eyes.

"Oh.. Sounds interesting," Callie said. Addison throw the comb on the bed on her bestfriend earning a yelp on her.

"Okay, last night, Mommy Mer was screaming Daddy, so, do I have a Daddy?" Zola asked innocently.

Addison and Meredith's jaw dropped. A whistle from their bestfriends makes them both turned into red.

"Baby.. You don't have a Daddy, okay?" Meredith said and smiled. Addison sit beside her and whispered, "Your Mommy has a Daddy..." Meredith swallowed audibly as her breathing gets hard.

Callie walk towards Zola and pick her up, "Aunt Cristina bought you your favorite cereals!" She said. Cristina was about to protest when Callie hold her wrist and dragged her to the kitchen.

"I told you, I heard Zozo last night!" Meredith said and stood up. Addison starts laughing so hard, "You screamed OOOH DADDY~ YEAAAH~ RIGHT THERE DADDY~ last night, how am I supposed to hear our daughter?" Addison asked and stood up. She pushed Meredith down to her daughter's bed and straddles on the blonde's lap.

"D-daddy.." Meredith whispered.

Addison's eyes darkened as she tore her wife's panjama top.

A/n: Here I go again, one fic to another fic idea rushind to my head-AAAAAAAAH ☺

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