E m p t y S e a t

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"I can have her sit with me, just watch," Derek said while grinning at Mark, who chuckles and shakes his head.

"Derek, she's with the redhead," Mark states and look at the spot where the blonde is sitting. He can see how the redhead's hand slide on the blonde's legs and bite her lip and wiggle her eyebrows on the blonde.

"Must be her bestfriend, just shh, watch and learn," his oblivious bestfriend said, slurred tone, he is so drunk.

"Dere--" Mark stopped when Derek starts walking towards the redhead and blonde, who was still flirting.

A frowned was formed on Addison's lips when the man, who is busy eyeraping her girlfriend. She saw how dreamy his smile was. Meredith looked confused at her before looking back. She rose an eyebrow before turning her eyes on her girlfriend.

"You know him?" Meredith asked, Addison shake her head, "No, but he is busy eyeraping you few hours ago. He lingers his eyes on your legs," Addison said and frowned.

Meredith chuckles sexily before leaning towards the redhead, "You are so hot when you are jealous," she whispered and smiled.

Addison playfully rolled her eyes, but a frowned formed again on her face when she heard a fake cough. She sighed and raise her one hand, asking for 1 more drink.

Meredith chuckles, she fake a surprise when she turn around a bit. "Uhm. Hi?" she asked. Derek smiled, "Is this seat empty?" he asked as he pointed the seat next to the blonde.

Meredith heard Addison's scoff. Derek rose an eyebrow on the redhead, "You can see that it's empty, why ask?" she asked sarcastically. Derek frowned, "I didn't ask---" Addison stood up from her seat. "You are asking if that seat is empty?" she asked. Derek nodded his head.

"Well, yes that.." she pointed out the seat beside the blonde, who was grinning at her girl. "Seat is empty, but this seat," she points out Meredith's seat. "Will be empty too if you sit there," she said and rolled her eye balls.

Derek's jaw dropped, Meredith chuckles and kissed the redhead's lips, "Sorry, she's my girl," she said and pulled away Addison, who is so so mad, away from him.

Addison was frowning while Meredith was holding her hand, dragging her outside the bar. Derek was walking towards them, Addison saw him at the corner of her eyes.

She hissed and pulled Meredith's wrist towards her and kissed her girlfriend deeply, Meredith gasped, making the redhead to slipped her tongue inside her girlfriend's mouth, tongue fighting against each other.

Derek was standing there looking at the two hot women eating each other. A tap from his shoulder make him to look away from the woman and looked at the owner of the hand.

"Told ya, they are girlfriend.." Mark said and smirked, he is holding a blonde's waist and walk towards the door. "Good night, Der," he said and left with the blonde(Teddy).

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