W h e r e's T h e C e r e a l s?

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"Mommy, can I have cereals for breakfast?" Ellis asked as she pouts on Addison.

"Of course, sweetie," Addison said, she looked up on Meredith who mumbles something before swallowing hard.

Ellis grins then went to Zola and Bailey.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Addison asked, carefully placed her hand on Meredith's back, the blonde jumped a bit then looked at her wife.

"W-what?" Meredith asked. Addison looked behind the kids and she saw that all the kids are busy chatting on each other. She looked at Meredith, hold the hips of the blonde and make her sit on the counter.

Meredith's cheek reddens as Addison stood in between her legs. "B-babe?" she nervously asked.

"What is it?" Addison asked.

"W-what is w-what?" Meredith asked.

"Ellis asked for cereals, you mumbles something," Addison said, wiping the sweat of Meredith on her forehead and neck.

"Uhm... A-about that.." Meredith whispered.

"Hm?" Addison asked humming.

"Ididn'tgetcerealsonthegrocerystore," Meredith said fast.

"You didn't get what?" Addison asked softly.

Meredith looked down, "I didn't get cereals," she whispered.

Addison looked confused at her wife, but Meredith can't see it. "Why didn't you get? Is it out of stock?" Addison asked, kissing her wife's crown head.

Meredith shake her head, fidgeting her fingers as she pressed her lips together.

Addison hold her legs then squeeze them, Meredith gasped softly.

"B-babe... I'm sorry," Meredith whispered.

"Can you tell me why... You didn't get the cereals of the kids?" Addison asked.

Meredith sighed, looking away with a light blush tint on her pale cheeks, "It's on the top shelf," she said.

Frowning when Addison chuckles.

Addison fake a cough then cupped her wife's cheeks using her one hand to make the blonde looked at her, "Why didn't you tell me?" Addison asked.

Meredith pout a bit, "I don't want you to get mad at me," Meredith said. Addison kissed her lips then smiled, pulling away, "Well, I'm not mad, but... We need to take them out to get cereals, you know that the kids-"

"Loves cereals in the morning," Meredith continued. Addison glare a bit, "And I hate being interrupted," she whispered. Meredith gulped as her wife leaned on her ear, "Especially when I'm eating this," Addison whispered and cupped the blonde's pussy.

Meredith's jaw dropped as she blush deeply.

"Kids, we need to get cereals on the grocery!" Addison announced. The two girls groans while Bailey grins, "Yes!" he screamed, making Meredith to blinks then jumped down the counter.

Addison smirked at her when the kids get something to wear, "Be ready, wifey," she whispered. Meredith bit her lower lip, she wants to glare but she can't, it will add much punishment...later.

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