R e a s o n T o S t a y

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Catherine Avery, slammed the door as she went in, startling Addison, Meredith and Richard.

'Oh no...' Addison thought as she wiped her hands.

"Meredith Grey," Catherine firmly said upon seeing the blonde.

Meredith's eyes widened as she turn to face the older woman.

"Catherine, I can't do this right now-" Meredith said and was cut by.

"You would leave this place right af-" Catherine raised her hand on Meredith.

Addison turn around, "Catherine," she said.

"Do not interrupt me," Catherine growls back on Addison, who sighed and shake her head.

"Please don't talk to her that way! You are not her boss,.nor are you mine," Meredith hissed.

Addison face the sink again and walk a bit away. Sighing deeply.

Catherine's eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey, don't speak to her that way," Richard interrupted.

Addison scoffed and look at Richard, "And she has the rights to talk to Meredith like that?" Addison asked the man.

Meredith stopped and stare at Addison, Catherine turn to face the redhead, "Are you defending her?" Catherine asked.

"I am not defending her, I am just saying, maybe we could talk to this after the surger-" Addison frowned when Catherine cut her again.

"She will leave this place!" Catherine abruptly said.

"SHE WILL NOT!" Addison suddenly screamed, the three person froze when they heard her scream. She sighed then massage her temple.

"Wait I'm not going to leave?" Meredith asked.

Addison rose an eyebrow, "Will you stay if I give you reason to stay?" she bravely asked.

Meredith bit her lower lip, "Addie, we will go to.. LA right?" the blonde asked softly.

The redhead's palm landed on her forehead, "Oh yeah," she said.

"Wait, LA? I thought you will going to Minnesota?" Richard asked.

Catherine was smiling at the two women, "So, anything to confess on us?" She asked, grinning a bit.

"We will go to LA and get Henry and their stuffs then go back here," Meredith explained.

Addison step forward and carefully interlaced their fingers together, "I gave her reason to stay," she said.

Richard smiled then hugged them both then tap their shoulder before moving away, and Catherine did that too(though she need to tiptoe a bit).

"Wait-How about...Nick?" Richard asked.

Addison grins then Meredith blushed, "Oh, he backed off," Addison said and shrugged her shoulder. Meredith bit her lower lip then shake her head before chuckling softly.

Request Update by merdersexyfan :')
GA Season 18 Episode 3:')
Correct me if I'm wrong pls:)

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