b a r t e n d i n g

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A/N: Cristina wants to get her revenge to Alex, the moment she was bartending to Joe's she thought it was a great idea to do it. But...

I will kill him!” Cristina said and opened her locker that was almost ripped apart. Meredith and Izzie jumped while George's eyes widened and gulped.

“Uh..” Izzie trailed. Cristina looked at them with her tiger look. “WHAT?!” she screamed. Mer, Izzie and Bambi shook their heads. Cristina took some deep breaths.

“I will go on Joe's tonight to bartender.” Cristina said. Meredith, Izzie and George looked at her.

“We will be there.” Meredith said, Cristina nodded her head.

“Can I asked something?” George asked nervously while standing behind Izzie.

“What, Bambi?” Cristina asked.

“Whom are you mad to?” George whispered.

“ALEX!” Cristina yelled again. Then they all became silent. Cristina slammed her locker and groaned as she saw Alex.

Alex smirked at her, “Hello there Queen of Vagina Squad.” Cristina hissed and walked towards Alex, Meredith hold Cristina's waist to stop her while Izzie and George took Alex outside.

“What happened?” Mer softly asked. “He is calling me Queen of Vagina Squad, Dr. Montgomery and I was pissed.” Mer looked at Cristina with her shocked face.

“He said something about delivering babies. Then Dr. Montgomery was pissed and he looked at me and said, I am the Queen of them because I told him to shut up.” Cristina said and sat on the floor.

“You defended Addison?” Mer asked, Cristina looked at her person.

“Since when did you and Satan became first name basis?” Cristina asked, Mer shrugged her shoulder. “I just don't see her as Satan when she's delivering babies.” Meredith said, Cristina smirked.

“Oh shoot. I need to go. Bring Alex at Joe's.” Cristina said and have this ‘I-have-a-revenge’ looked. Meredith just nodded her head.

When Cristina left, Meredith was staring at the door of her locker. “Are you going to Joe's or not?” A voice makes Meredith blinked, she smiled and tap the floor.

“You are going to make me sit on the floor?” The redhead asked.

“You can stand, I will just going to change.” Meredith said, the redhead smiled and nodded her head.

Meredith's face crumpled when she saw Mark, walking towards Addison. The redhead was confused and turned around.

“Red.” Mark said and smirked. “Mark.” Addison said and sighed.

“Are you free toni---” Mark stopped when Meredith kissed Addison. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

“My girlfriend is not available and we are not into threesome.” Meredith said and took Addison inside the locker room and slammed the door on Mark's face.

Addison chuckles while looking at Meredith. “Jealous?” she teased the blonde, who rolled her eyes and stripped her clothes. The redhead gulped and looked away, it's Meredith's turn to smirked at the redhead.

She took a step forward, Addison stepped backward while looking at Meredith..

“Like what you see, Addie?” she seductively said, the redhead's breath hitched. The blonde chuckles and kissed the redhead's cheeks.

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