f r i e n d l y w h a t?!

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A/n: Don't hate me after this.. Pleasee..

Nearly 12 in the midnight, rain poured in Seattle, the hallways are silent which is very unusual.

Cristina and Meredith was standing on the hallways, waiting for patients.

“I kissed a girl---woman,” Meredith said, Cristina rose an eyebrow.

“Okay, you kissed a woman? Who is this woman?” Cristina asked.

“It's just a friendly kiss,” Meredith said.

“Yeah, if that kiss was on cheeks. But based on your face, you kissed on the lips,” Cristina said.

“At Joe's, last night, at the bathroom..” Meredith trailed, Cristina gasped fakely, “Kissed or sex? Bathroom sex? That's stinky, but knowing you, you love the thrill of getting caught up by someone,”

Meredith rolled her eyes, “I hate how you knew me so well,” Cristina smirked.

“Who i---” Cristina was interrupted by someone.

“Dr. Grey, can I have a minute with you?” Addison asked, Cristina saw how Meredith's face lit up.

Her eyes widened at her friend, “Sure, Dr. Montgomery,” Meredith said and followed her attending.

Cristina was left smirking, Until Callie saw her.

“Your friend kissed my friend, and they called it, FRIENDLY KISS,” Cristina said before Callie opened her mouth.

The Latina's jaw dropped, “W-what?” she asked.

Cristina pointed the exam room where Addison and Meredith entered.

With a smirking face, Cristina and Callie put their ear on the door.

“We make out yesterday,” Addison said to Meredith, who blushed.

“Huh? It's just a friendly kiss,” Meredith said, Addison looked at the blonde.

“Huh.. A friendly kissed with matching holding the thigh and grabbing the back of my neck while moaning my name is a friendly kiss to you, Grey?” Addison teased the blonde, who was stunned.

Meredith gulped.

‘Oooh.. A-addie..’

She blinked.

“T-that's the tequila!” she said, trying to convinced the redhead.

“Are you drunk right now?” Addison asked and took a step forward, the blonde shook her head.

“Good,” before the blonde can asked what's good. Addison pinned her down the table, hands are above her head. Addison sucked Meredith's neck, making the blonde to moan loud.

“Tell me.. To stop, I will,” One hand are on Meredith's wrist, one hand was traveling at the blonde's thigh.

Meredith can't think properly.

“D-don't s-stop..” she uttered, Addison nipped the back of her ear, making the blonde to squirm.

“Tequila huh..” Addison said, she flicked the blonde's clit, Meredith gasped.

“Oh.. So wet for Satan..” Addison said and smirked, Meredith blushed.

“I'm n-not w-wet..” Meredith hissed.

Addison had this smug smirk written on her face, “I can thrust 2 fingers inside you so easily, sweetheart,” Meredith's body arched when Addison thrust 3 fingers.

Meredith eyes rolled back as Addison's long fingers easily find her g-spot without even making an effort.

“Moan my name. Tell the people who makes you feel the heaven using my fingers only,” Addison whispered to Meredith,

“Ooh.. A.. Addison.. Fuck!” Meredith gasped when Addison fucked her hard using her 3 fingers.

“Oh.. Gosh.. I'm a-almost.. Fck! Aah!” Meredith came so fcking hard, she was catching her breath when Addison slipped her fingers on her mouth, tasting the blonde's.

Meredith groaned at the view.

The door suddenly opened, Meredith and Addison's eyes widened.

“ADDISON?! MEREDITH?!” Derek yelled.

The two women was stunned, Addison's hand are still on Meredith's thigh, not mentioning the cum of Meredith was still flowing down.

“Uh.. Friendly sex?” Addison said.

“A FRIENDLY WHAT?!” Derek asked again.

Meredith pulled her pants on and held Addison's wrist. Passing by at the front of Derek, she whispered, “Friendly hot sex,” Derek's jaw dropped, and also Callie and Cristina who are stunned.

Meredith and Addison run towards the other on call room and locked the door.


It's my first half smut, how was it? Satisfied or nah?
15:05 * 12th day of June, 2021
645 words

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