j e l l y a d d i e

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Meredith tap the nose of Addison, “You jealous?” she asked. Addison rolled her eyes and focused on her laptop. They are both sitting on their bed “No,” she answered.

Meredith giggle and kissed the redhead's cheeks. “Are you sure, you are not jealous?” Meredith asked, Addison just nodded her head.

“Addie don't be jealous,” Meredith said and sighed. Addison looked at her wife and frowned, “I am not jealous, Mer. I am working,” she said and looked down at her laptop again.

“Your not jealous but your eyebrows almost knitted with each other,” Meredith whispered, it made Addison to clenched her jaw.

“I'm not jealous, Mer,” Addison said calmly. Meredith rose an eyebrow.

“You can't be seriously jealous tha---” Meredith was stopped by Addison's glare.

“I'm not jealous, Meredith. It's just.. You're mine!” she said and pouted her lips.

“Addie, I am yours yeah, but you can't be jealous over Zola!” Meredith said and frowned.

“She kissed you twice, I only kissed you once,” Addison seriously said and groaned.

“I am always kissing you everyday, baby..” Meredith tried to coo her. Addison put the laptop besides and grabbed Meredith's wrist, “That's not enough,” she whispered and kissed Meredith's lips again and again.

The blonde giggle, she felt ticklish when Addison was showering her with kisses.

“Mwommy?” Zola said. The two women stopped when they saw their baby walking while rubbing her eyes.

Meredith smiled and gets Zola, but the child crawled over Addison and kissed the redhead's cheeks again and again.

Meredith pouts her lip, Addison chuckles. “You are mine,” Meredith whispered. Addison giggle and hugged the blonde who showered her also kisses on her neck.

“I am yours baby, always,” Addison said and Zola giggle, making Meredith to frowned a bit.

“I am the baby she's talking about,” Meredith said, Zola starts to cry. Meredith's eyes widened, Addison rubbed Zola's back.

“You are the one I am talking, baby,” Addison said and Zola stopped from crying.

Meredith pout her lip and Addison kissed her. “You two are my babies,” she joked and Meredith giggle, “You will going to breastfeed me also then?” Meredith whispered making Addison to blush hard.

“Meredith Grey-Montgomery?!”

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