f r i e s

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The next day, Meredith was walking back and forth in front of the white board. Her interns can't ask what's wrong because she looked pissed.

“Dr. Grey, Good Morning,” Callie said and erased something from the white board. “I want some fries with mozzarella cheese on it,” Meredith whispered to Callie, the Latina chuckles.

“I'll tell her,” Callie said and was about to get her pager when Meredith hold the Latina's hand. “She buys me milktea yesterday,” Meredith said and frowned. Callie looked at Meredith, “So?” Callie asked.

“Nothing, just nevermind,” Meredith said and left Callie, Arizona saw how frustrated Meredith is and looked at her wife, “What did you do?” Arizona asked Callie, who chuckles.

“She wants some fries with mozzarella cheese on it,” Callie said, Addison stopped from walking when she heard her friend. “Meredith wants what?” Arizona asked, Callie pulled her on the corner where Addison was eavesdropping, “Don't tell Addison, Grey will going to be mad at me,” Callie said, Arizona nodded her head.

Addison frowned and walked on the other side of the hall. She found Meredith who is sitting on the free bed on the hall, “Good morning, Dr. Grey,” Addison said, Meredith smiled when she saw the redhead. “I wanna tap this bed to make you sit but you are wearing skirt and it will go up and people will see your undergarments so yeah,” Meredith rambles, especially when she's hiding something.

“Anything you want to say on me, Dr. Grey,” Addison said, Meredith smiled a bit, “Fries with Mozzarella on it,  but you don't have to buy, ahm, sorry, I will just---” Addison looked at Meredith who pouted, “I will buy you, just wait me up here,” Addison said and left.

Addison saw Miranda, who was busy reading her patients chart. The redhead looked around, “Do you know where to buy fries?” Addison asked, Miranda looked up. “For her?” Miranda asked, Addison smiled and nodded her head. “She's craving for it,” Addison said and pouts a bit. Miranda chuckles, “See that?” Miranda pointed the first cart in the exit of the hospital, Addison nodded her head, “They're selling fries, just add some money to put something weird on it,” Miranda said and Addison chuckles.

“Fries?” Richard asked, Addison didn't heard it and walked outside the hospital. Miranda looked at the man, “She wants to eat fries,” Miranda said and looked down again on the charts.

“Hi, ahm are you selling some fries with Mozzarella in it?” Addison asked, the lady looked at her. “I'm having some cravings today,” she tried to explain and smiled a bit. The lady said yes, Addison pay up and sat on the chair in front of the cart.

Meredith and Mark was walking towards her looking like they're arguing into something. “Red! Yes Red,” Mark said and sat down. “What are you two fighting on?” Addison asked. “Meredith was glowing, right?” Mark asked. Addison can't help but to stare at her girlfriend.

Indeed, Meredith has pregnancy glow. Addison chuckles at Mark, “Dr. Grey is always glowing, Mark.” she said and the Lady put the fries in front of Addison, Meredith was drooling at the fries while Mark looked puzzled with Addison.

“Fries? I never knew you were into fries?” Mark asked. Addison chuckles. ‘If you only knew’

“Dr. Sloan, everyone has their own cravings,” Meredith defends her. Addison smiled, “Yeah, I want to eat fries now,” the redhead said and was thinking on how to leave those fries to Meredith when the blonde slightly raised her pager.

Addison realized what Meredith was talking about. Mark looked around.

Addison looked at her pager and fakely groaned in frustration, “Need some babies to deliver,” she said. Mark was about to get the fries when Addison put it in front of Meredith.

“I want to have some too!” he said, Addison rolled her eyes. “If Meredith wants to share go, if not then don't bother her,” Addison warned Mark.

Mark asked Meredith if she wants to share, but the blonde just glared at him.

When Addison was inside the hospital, she stood near the nurse station. Minutes have passed when Mark went also inside the hospital running, he didn't saw Addison.

Then Meredith was walking inside, with a big smile on her face. Addison smiled, “Satisfied?” the redhead asked, the blonde smiled. “Yeah, thank you,” the blonde whispered softly. Addison just chuckles and kissed the blonde's cheeks.

“Gotta go,” Addison said and leave Meredith, who was smiling.

“You are pregnant?” Miranda asked, Meredith looked at the short woman. “I.. Yeah,” Meredith said. “Derek's?” Meredith shook her head. “Addison's,” Miranda processed the information while looking at the blonde, “You were the one who's craving for milktea and fries?” Bailey asked. Meredith nodded her head and smiled.

“For the record, Addison bought my milktea that day,” Bailey said and chuckles.

“Really?” Meredith asked, Miranda nodded her head. “20 bucks,” Bailey said and smirked. The blonde's jaw dropped. “Hey it's an emergency milktea!” Bailey said and smirked. Meredith facepalm.

“And besides, Addison's a rich kid,” Bailey said and left.

Meredith just shook her head. “Unbelievable,” she whispered to herself.

A/N: The four cravings are all connected with each other.

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