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Prompt #749:
5 times(?) Person A and Person B correct people about their relationship status.

*** George ***

“Hey..” Meredith said and was about to kiss Addison's cheeks when George held her hand, smiling with his puppy eyes.

The blonde heard the redhead's sighs behind her, she smiled at George, who was Addison behind her.

“O'Malley,” Addison said and faced the man. But Meredith held her hand, to stop her from what she will say. This made the redhead to smile fakely before excusing herself.

“Meredith.. I wanna tell you something,” He said. Meredith forced a smile, but her eyes was fixed on the redhead who was waiting for her on the door.

“I wanna tell you something also, George,” She said. George chuckles, “Oh, uhm you go first,” He said.

Meredith sighed, not wanting to break his heart. The truth is, her heart belongs to this redhead. They just want to hide it.

“Why not let's say it both?” Meredith said. On the corner of her eyes, she saw a perfectly cut eyebrow rose up.

“I like you,”

“I'm in love with someone else,”

George blinks, unable to process the blonde's words. “Wait, I thought you and Dr. Shepherd broke up?” He asked, very confused on what's happening.

Meredith forced a smile. “Yeah!  Actually.. I'm in love with the other Shepherd..” She said.

“Other Shepherd? Huh? There's no other Shepherd here than Derek...” George trailed. His eyes widened, Meredith nodded her head. His jaw dropped. “You are in love with Amelia?” He asked.

The palm of Meredith landed on her forehead. A laugh from behind George startles him.

“Dr. Shephe---” George froze, looking at Meredith to Addison to Meredith again.

“Yes, O'Malley, your friend is in love with me,” Addison said and walked towards the blonde.

“B-but you are..” He trailed. Tears was forming on his eyes. Meredith looked guiltily on him, but she squeezed Addison's hand.

“I'm in love with my husband's ex mistress..”

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