A u s t r a l i a n W H A T?

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“Kate Walsh is Australian?” Meredith asked while entering the office of Addison.

“Kate who?” she asked and rose an eyebrow. Meredith chuckles, “Kate Walsh,” she said and sat on the desk.

Addison's eyebrow rose up, “You went here to say that Kate Walsh is an Australian? Tsk,” Addison said and roll her eyes.

Meredith chuckles, “Why, you mad or you are jealous?” the blonde asked and smirked.

“I'm not mad, I'm not jealous, but if you want to say you miss me, then why not tell me. Instead of entering my office and rambles about this woman whom I don't even know,” Addison said and scoff.

Meredith frowns, “Says to the person who enters my house window and say that she has menstruation and need my hug,” the blonde said and smirked when the redhead blush.

“Hey!” Addison said and pouts her lips. She wrapped her arms on the blonde's waist and pull it on her. The blonde fall on the lap of the redhead, “So, this Kate Walsh is an Australian..” Addison said.

“Yes, and speaking of Australian.. I wanna give you an Australian Kiss,” Meredith said and kissed the side of the neck of Addison.

The redhead softly moan, “A-Australian w-what?” she asked. Meredith kiss her neck to her ear, she sucked her earlobe and bit it. Addison's breath hitched.

“It's a french kiss,” Meredith whispered seductively on the redhead's ear, Addison gulps and blush, “..but down under.”

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