c o n s u l t

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“Callie! Ahm.. I need a consult,” Addison whispered, “you and with your wife,” the redhead continued.

Callie looked at her bestfriend, Arizona looked amused. Callie gasped, Addison suddenly shook her head, “No, gosh Callie. Consult not threesome!” Addison hissed.

Arizona giggle while Callie playfully swat Addison's arm.

“I just.. How.. Ahm..” Addison don't have any idea on how to ask it.

“Addie take a deep breath,” Callie suggested, Arizona nodded her head.

“Wait.. You need a consult from a Peds and Ortho or from a Lesbian and Bisexual?” Arizona playfully asked, it should be a joke. But when Addison blushed, Arizona gasped.

“Okay, who is she?” Callie asked. Addison gulped and looked around. Callie and Arizona saw how Addison froze, they followed the redhead's gaze and their eyes widened.

“Grey?” Callie asked.

“Meredith?” Arizona asked.

Meredith smiled and looked at them, “Yes Dr. Torres and Dr. Robbins?” she politely asked and put a hand on the back of Addison.

The redhead looked at the couple with her wide eyes, she saw Callie's smirk.

“Have a seat, Grey,” Callie said.

Addison became alert but she tried to compose herself.

“How are you, Grey?” Arizona asked, Addison sipped her drinks and remained silent.

She saw in the corner of her eyes, Meredith looked at her and smiled, “I am fine, I'm just tired but totally fine, how was married life?” Meredith asked.

Callie chuckles and hold Arizona's hand. Addison was jealous not because Callie have Arizona but because she wants to hold Meredith's hand and be proud of it.

“Fine, exciting, you know,” Callie said and wiggle her eyebrows. Meredith laughed and placed a hand on the redhead's thigh.

“How about you, Dr. Shepherd?” Meredith asked, Addison gulped and looked at the blonde, “It's Montgomery, I'm fine,” Addison said.

Meredith looked amused, “Montgomery now.. Wait, the papers--” Addison nodded her head. Not wanting Meredith to finished it.

“You can have Derek now,” Addison uttered, Callie and Arizona's eyes widened.

Addison's breath hitched, ‘Shit

“I'm sorry, I ahm, sorry,” She said to Meredith.

The blonde put her elbow on the table and looked at Addison, who's blushing.

“I don't want Derek, Dr. Montgomery,” Meredith said, making Addison to look at her.

“Y-you don't want Derek?” she asked, Meredith smirked.

“No, I want someone else,” Meredith said. Addison looked away.

‘Of course, she wants someone else’

“Who is the lucky guy?” Callie asked. Arizona rose an eyebrow.

Woman,” Meredith said and stood up.

Addison's world stopped.

‘Meredith wants someone else, a woman?’

Meredith smirked at the couple, “Wanna know her?” She asked, Callie and Arizona nodded their head.

Meredith knew Addison was thinking deeply, she looked at Callie and Arizona then her gaze went to Addison.

Callie's jaw dropped while Arizona's eyes widened.

Callie banged the table, making Addison to jumped.

“What's your problem?” Addison asked, Meredith smirked.

“The problem Dr. Montgomery is..” she trailed, Addison looked up. “..I wanna have a dinner with you,” Meredith said and Addison's eyes widened.

“Woah!” Arizona said and giggles.

“Sure,” Addison whispered, Meredith's smile widened while Callie and Arizona looked at Addison..

“Oh.. That's the consult,” Arizona said. Callie nodded her head.

“They liked each other,” Callie said.

Meredith and Addison blushed.

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