E y e s C l o s e Y o u A r e T h e r e

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Addison sighed when Meredith's eyes was closed the moment she looked at the blonde.

"Are you ever gonna look at me?" Addison whispered.

Something inside Meredith broke the moment Addison asked that question.. She purse her lips and remained silent. Addison carefully wrapped her arms around Meredith's waist.

Meredith freeze for a while then relax on Addison's touch. The redhead buried her face on the side neck of the blonde.

Meredith can feel Addison's heartbeat and the latter placed her hand above the chest of the blonde.

They both smiled.

They can feel each other's heartbeat.

Meredith's tears fell down as she can feel something is wrong. She still close her eyes. She can feel Addison, but she can't touch her anymore.

* F L A S H B A C K (@ Meredith's mind) *

"Aaah hahahaha stooop!" Addison was laughing so hard when Meredith tickles her. The blonde kept on tickling her until Zola and Bailey came in to start the tickle war.

Meredith looked at Addison, she print that happiness of her wife's face on her mind.

* E N D O F F L A S H B A C K *

Meredith's tears fell down, she wipe them and opened her eyes. "I already see you every time I close my eyes. Please don't force me to look at you," she whispered.

Little did she know. Arizona and Alex was outside the on call room. Peaking on the small window. They block everyone who tried to go inside.

Meredith was hugging Addison's framed photo.

"It was.." Arizona trailed..

"Addison's 5th death anniversary.." Alex finished.

Arizona looked at Meredith, she wipe her tears.

Addison's death was unexpected. Everyone was in deep grief when she left, especially Meredith..

* * *

Imagine Your OTP:
Person A: Are you ever gonna look at me?
Person B: I already see you every time I close my eyes. Please don't force me to look at you.
@somewhat-aesthetically-pleasing (Tumblr)

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