D o c t o r 's C o a t

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Addison look down at her phone when she saw something texted her. She was eating her salad with Callie. Her lips formed a smile, big one, when she saw that it was from her girlfriend. She opened the message.

My Mer: Hey, got my new coat! I'm at my room, come here.

Addison read the message, and she doesn't know why, but she felt hot.. Something will happen.. She knew. Everytime she entered on that MAGICAL room with Meredith, they either make out or have some mind blowing sex.

A blush crept on her neck to her cheeks. Callie rose an eyebrow, "Your girlfriend?" she asked. Addison nodded her head and stood up, "Gotta check on her," she said. Never letting Callie to say goodbye, she ran towards the blonde's room.

She knocked at the door, she heard her girl's, "Come in," then she entered. Her jaw dropped when she saw Meredith sitting on the bed. With her Doctor's coat.. But naked underneath it.

Her eyes widened. She walked inside and close the door. She licked her lower lip as she walked towards the blonde.

"Oh, hi! So, how was it?" Meredith asked. Posing on the mirror. Addison was speechless, her girlfriend was so hot. Like hot hot. She sat down beside Meredith and looked at the mirror.

A small smirk formed on Meredith's lips, Addison was looking at her, like she will devour her once the coat was gone on her body. Addison kissed her jaw, "Tell me, you will not going to wear that on hospital," She whispered then trails kisses down her girlfriend's side neck.

Meredith moaned softly, "Its a Doctor's coat for a reason, babe," she said and playfully rolled her eyes. Addison frowned, "I mean the naked naked part, babe, don't get me wrong okay? You are hot, but.. That body.. Is mine.." she said and sucked Meredith's neck.

The blonde tilted her head up, "Hm.. Yes.. N-no nakey nakey on the hospital," She said. Addison smiled and slowly move her hand to her girlfriend's upper body, she pinched the blonde's nipple, making the latter's back to arched.

"Great.. Now sit down," Addison said. Meredith obliged and she even spread her legs. Addison smirked and stood up, "Great, I will go there and finish my salad because Callie is waiting for me," she said and kissed the blonde's lips.

She ran towards the door, she was smirking while walking down the stairs when she heard Meredith's..


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