n o w a y i n h e l l

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POV: Person A refuses to believe that Person B's face looks that good without make up.


“I hate it,” Meredith said and hissed. I stopped from walking and eaves drop.

“The nurses said that Addison was just beautiful because of her make up,” Cristina said and rose an eyebrow.

I saw how Meredith think, “Maybe they're right?” I heard the blonde said. I can't believe what I can hear.

“What if she's hotter without make up?” Cristina asked. Meredith smirked, “I will go on a date with her then,” the blonde said.

I secretly smirked, ‘Let the challenge begin,’ I said to myself and silently go.

Tomorrow Meredith Grey will date me’ I said at the back of my head.

The other day..


Cristina welcome me with a smirked. “Guess what? You need to date someone!” she said. I rose an eyebrow.

I was about to asked when Addison was walking towards us. She isn't wearing any make up. Even her hair falls naturally. Her lips are pink. Her eyes was shining without anything on her face. Her freckles was making her much hotter.

I gulped when she stopped in front of me. She held my chin to close my mouth.

“You will catch a fly darling,” she said and left.

I blinked when Cristina smirked. “Ask her out,” she said. I hissed.


I absentmindedly walked towards the maternity wing. “She looked so hot,” a nurse said.

“Yeah, no wonder Dr. Sloan and Dr. Shepherd was fighting against each other for her,” the other male nurse said.

I snorts making the two male nurses to looked on me. I rolled my eyes and entered the office of Addison.

“Dr. Grey,” Addison said, I gulped. “Dr. Shepherd,” I saw how Addison's smile turned into a frown.

“A-Addison..” I trailed as Addison leaned on me. Her face was a few inches on my face. I gulped when she smirked.

“Ahm.. N-nothing!” I just said and run towards the door. I tried to open it but it was locked. I gulped when I feel a warm breath on my neck. I don't want to turn around. I can feel how Addison wrapped her arms on my waist.

“You want to date me?” she asked. My eyes widened and look behind, I felt the soft lips of Addison on my cheeks. My cheeks burned and my eyes widened. She smirked and I gulped.

Addison never said anything but she sucked my neck, making me gasped.

“A-Addie!” I yelp when she turned me around and slammed me on the door. I hissed when I feel my back pain, but immediately moaned when she kissed me.

I moaned when she bit my lower lip. She groaned and smile in between our kiss. She step back and I whimper. When my breathing was normal I look at her, “Your favorite restaurant, 8pm sharp tomorrow,” I said and left her blinking and speechless.

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