g i r l o n t h e b a r

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Addison stick a note on Meredith's locker.

‘Have a nice day ahead, Dr. Grey’

That is what's written on the note. Addison smiled and left.

Meredith came on the intern's locker room, but a pink note was on her locker's door. She automatically smiled when she saw the note. She ran towards her locker and immediately gets the note.

Earning giggle on Izzie, snort on Cristina, smirk on Karev and a confused look on George.

“Someone's having a secret admirer,” Cristina said and smirked.

“Who?” Bailey asked. Making all of them to jumped. Meredith's secret admirer's note falls on the Nazi's feet.

The blonde gulped when Bailey gets it. One eyebrow rose up but instead of a Nazi look, their resident smirked.

“Admirer huh? I know who's penmanship is it,” Bailey said. The five intern make their way to the Nazi.

“Who is it, Dr. Bailey?” Meredith asked.

Bailey smirked and put the note on the blonde's forehead. “Find that person. Good luck Grey,” she said. “Karev with Sloan, O'malley with Torres, Stevens to Robbins, Yang to Hahn and Grey to Montgomery,” she said and left.

“Did she said Montgomery?” Meredith asked and blinked. Cristina smirked, “McHot is McDivorce,” they all left leaving Meredith, who is processing things up.

“Dr. Grey,” Addison said and Meredith blinked. She saw how the attending's cheeks turned into light pink.

Maybe it's just a blush on’ Meredith said at the back of her head.

“Dr. Shepherd,” Meredith politely said and smiled. “It's Montgomery,” Addison said and they both starts to walk.

“Dr. Montgomery, I want Grey on my service today,” Derek smugly said and smirked at the blonde, who rolled her eyes.

Addison rose an eyebrow. “She was assigned on me, it was your day off, Dr. Shepherd,” Addison said and was about to pass the man when Derek held her arms.

“Dr. Shepherd,” Addison said dangerously, Derek was taken aback while Meredith was looking at how Derek's face turned into a terrifying one.

Shit, Addison was so sexy when she's dangerous’ Meredith said at the back of her head.

The two person looked at her. ‘Oh shit’ Meredith said.

“Did I say it loudly?” she asked dumbly. Addison's smirked and Derek's frowned was the answer.

Yes, she said it. And it's very embarrassing.

“Let's go, Dr. Grey,” Addison said. Meredith was about to pass by Derek, when the man held her arms. But Addison was like a flash, she held the blonde's waist and pulled it on her.

Meredith blushed when she felt Addison's grip on her waist. Derek frowned. Addison smirked, “You want her?” she whispered, not wanting to earn any attention from anyone.

Derek snorts, “She wants me,” he smugly said and smirked. Addison's face turned into a serious one.

She kissed Meredith's ear, making the blonde to gasped lowly. Derek's eyes widened. “You want him?” Addison asked Meredith, using her octave voice.

Meredith blushed and shook her head. “Answer me with your words kitten,” Addison said. Meredith's eyes widened as Derek's jaw dropped.


Kitten was her secret admirer's pet name on her!

Meredith's breathing hitched when she realized that Addison was her secret admirer.

“You are just seducing her,” Derek said and hissed. Addison chuckles and smirked.

“Remember the girl that I am talking to you?” Addison asked. Meredith swallowed hard.

Oh gosh

Derek realized something. His eyes widened, “M-meredith w-was...” he trailed.

Addison smirked, “Meredith was the girl on the bar, yes Derek. Meredith was the girl who screamed my name so many times. Cumming on my mouth twice. Cumming on my finger thrice and to my strap on twice.” she said and smirked.

Derek's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Unable to process that his crush was her ex-wife's girlfriend.

F l a s h b a c k

“I had sex with a girl last night,” Addison announced as she sat down on the chair where Mark and Derek was sitting also. The two was choke up on their coffee.

“YOU WHAT?!” Derek asked.

“That's sexy!” Mark enthusiastically said and smirked.

“It's not funny! I had sex with a woman who came 7 times in my arms!” she said and hissed. The two man blushed and blinking with the redhead.

Who wouldn't? Addison was married to Derek for almost 11 years and all of a sudden she made someone cum 7 times?!

“I need to go,” Derek just said and left.

Mark smirked while Addison rolled her eyes. “You had sex with your girlfriend,” he said and left.

E n d o f F l a s h b a c k

“You are my secret admirer,” Meredith said when they entered the maternity wing. They left Derek alone in the middle of the hallway.

“We need to operate a mother today, I need you to read the cha---Grey,” Addison hissed when Meredith turned her to face the blonde.

“Kitten was my admirer's pet name on me,” Meredith said.

F l a s h b a c k

“What's that?” Cristina asked. Meredith curiously followed her person's gaze.

A cute pink note was on her locker room's door. Meredith walked towards her locker and gets the note.

‘Have a nice day ahead, Kitten’

Meredith blushed when she read it aloud. Making her friends to laugh.

“Your secret admirer's a top then?” Cristina asked. Earning Meredith to groaned in frustration.

E n d o f F l a s h b a c k

“I am nobody's secret admirer,” Addison said but not looking straight at the blonde's eyes.

“Really huh?” Meredith asked and took a step forward. Addison took a stepback and gulped. “What are you doing?” she asked. Meredith smirked and get something on Addison's pocket.

“This is the note that my secret admirer's using,” Meredith said and Addison's face and neck blushed. She closed her eyes to composed herself.

“And the penmanship screams your penmanship,” that made Addison's eyes to open wide. She saw Bailey's smirked.

“You were my secret admirer huh?” Meredith teased her. Addison sighed and nodded her head. “I will tell you also a secret,” Meredith whispered, “I have a crush on my secret admirer,” she said and wiggle her eyebrows. Addison can't help but to smile.

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