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Montgomery-Grey's house

Callie was busy pinching Arizona's nose, Cristina was busy stealing glances at Teddy, who's busy helping Addison and Meredith, who are cooking dinner.

“I am boooooored~” Arizona whined breaking the silence

Addison chuckles, “The room straight then have a turn to the left is free,” she teased them, making Callie to blush.

“I hate you,” the Latina said to the redhead.

“You love me, I'm your bestfriend,” Addison said and grins at the Latina, who rolled her eyes.

“Cristina can you give me the potholder?” Teddy said, Cristina was staring at her. She didn't realize that Teddy leaned on the counter, Cristina blinked, Meredith grins at her person.

“Huh.. Oh yeah, here,” Cristina said and glared at the blonde.

Addison back hugged the blonde, “I'm hungry,” the redhead whispered, the blonde chuckles, “Behave, I will feed you later,” earning a groan from Teddy and Cristina.

“I will feed her food, what's wrong with the both of you?” Teddy and Cristina blushed and went to the couch. Meredith can't help but to laughed while Addison chuckles.

Meredith stopped from laughing and looked at Addison, she scrunched her nose. She knew that is Addison's weakness.

‘You are cute when you do that’ Addison always say that.

Addison grins and kissed the blonde's cheeks. “You are so cute---”

“---when you do that.” the blonde finished the sentences, making the redhead to chuckles.

“I really want to squish that cute face of yours..” Addison said and kissed the blonde's neck, “..with my thighs,” the blonde gasped loudly. Her face turned into deep red, her eyes widened while looking at Addison.

“Dinner time!” Addison announced and left the blonde who's blushing so hard and speechless.


00:56 * 5th day of June, 2021
I forgot to publish it, sorry.
299 words

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