D i s h I s F o r Y o u

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cooking at the same time, having to move around each other - Roommates AU by creativepromptsforwriting(tumblr)

Ps: High School Meddison<3

“Have you eaten already?” Meredith asked as she put her shoe on the shoe rack. Addison was sitting on the couch while watching, she shakes her head.

“I will cook,” Meredith said, she saw how Addison's neat trim eyebrow rose up making the blonde to blush and roll her eyes.

They're roommates, high school roommates.

Meredith's attention went on the redhead's legs. She gulped and look away, putting her sports bag on the side.

“Put it on the bag rack, not there,” Addison said without looking at her.

“Yes, boss,” Meredith sarcastically said and do what the redhead said.

Addison stood up and make her way to the kitchen, Meredith was behind her.

“How was your practice?” Addison asked. Meredith looked at the redhead, “Uh.. Fine. How was your class?” Meredith asked.

This was new to her. Addison never answer or ask about her whereabouts. To her surprise, Addison sighed.

“Class is boring,” Addison said. Meredith nodded her head and strip her jersey, her black sports bra was left. Addison can't help but to scan the blonde's body. Especially the abs part, Meredith is petite, but her abs look so good to touch.

Meredith was busy to tuck her dirty jersey, she didn't notice the redhead's eyes, eyeraping her.

Addison fake a cough, she look away when she realized she's eyeraping her room mate.

Meredith look at Addison, “Oh uhm sorry, I'm really lazy to go and change on my room,” The blonde apologize before getting the plastic of bread.

“I don't mind. You will eat bread for dinner?” Addison asked. Meredith blushed, “Sandwich is the only thing my cooking skills can do,” And shrugged her shoulder. She was opening the plastic when Addison hold her hand. Making both of them to jolt when they felt the sudden spark.

“I'll cook, help me. You slice the ingredients,”Addison said. Meredith looked shocked but manage to nod her head.

“Cut the garlic. 10 cloves of garlic. Chicken or Beef?” Addison asked. Meredith think about it. If beef it will take so long. If chicke---then her tummy grumble. She blushed when she heard the redhead's chuckles.

“Chicken then,” Addison said and starts to prepare the ingredients. She was about to open the ref when Meredith get the box above the ref. Addison stopped and let the blonde get it. Meredith uttered, “Thanks,” Then go on the counter top. She get 10 cloves of garlic and 1 onion.

Addison opened the ref and get the ham and butter. Meredith's eyebrows furrowed, Addison was facing her back and didn't notice the blonde's reaction.

Addison also get the 2 chicken breast. The put them on the sink and run the water. Meredith starts to peel the onion and garlic. Addison get a pan and opened the stove, low heat.

Meredith looked at the redhead, “Uhm..” She awkwardly said. Addison look at her. “Oh, cut them into small pieces, like really small,” Addison said. Meredith nodded her head. She starts to cut the garlic, Addison stopped her.

Meredith's breath hitched when Addison hugged her from behind. Nope, she thought she hug her but Addison hold her hand that's holding the knife handle, the lips of the redhead was on the blonde's ear, “You need to hold the knife like this, then cut. To avoid cutting your own fingers,” Addison whispered and smiled. Meredith nodded her head, sign that she knew now.

She breaths out when Addison step back and untangle herself from the blonde.

Addison took the cooking oil and put a bit amount on the pan, she let it for a while. “What are you going to do with the..” Meredith trailed, Addison shrugged her shoulder.

Addison put the 2 ham on the pan and let them. She get the plastic of bread and opened it. Get 3 bread and the mayonnaise.

Meredith was done cutting the garlic and onion. She was about to wash her hand when Addison cornered her on the sink.

The redhead gets the chicken. The blonde froze for a bit. She normally breath AGAIN when the redhead walked towards the stove.

Meredith wash her hand and rinse it on the napkin. She hold her tummy. She was really hungry.

Addison put some mayonnaise on the first bread and put the ham then bread again then ham then mayonnaise.

Meredith sat on the chair, she was really shy about her grumbling tummy. She looked up when a sandwich was present in front of her. She looked at Addison, “I know you are hungry, while I'm cooking eat it, it will not going to take so much time cooking this,” Addison rambles. She blushed when Meredith smiled and took the sandwich and bite a big portion.

Addison went back to the stove and starts to cook Creamy Garlic Chicken. She was focused on cooking, Meredith finished her sandwich, now she was looking at her room mate's face.

“Prepare 2 plates, stop eyeraping me. I can feel you staring Grey,” Addison said and chuckles. Meredith stood up suddenly and get two plate. She put them on the table, get two glass and spoon and fork. Addison put the dish on the plate and put it in the middle of the table.

Addison sat down and Meredith did. They both took chicken. Addison waits for Meredith to taste it. She was swallowing hard, Meredith's eyes widened when she ate a small portion of the chicken.

A soft moan was escaped on the blonde's lips. “Ah.. That is so delicious!” She said and ate. Addison breaths out. She starts eating again, but stopped when Meredith was looking at her.

“W-what?” She asked. Meredith leaned on and Addison's eyes widened when the blonde's thumb wiped something beside her lip. Meredith chuckles and put her thumb on her mouth.

“Hmm..” Meredith hummed and chuckles. Addison smiled.

“You are the best cook ever!”

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