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Addison entered the intern's locker to surprise her girlfriend. Meredith was busy organizing her locker.

Cristina and Alex left when Addison motion them to leave for a while. They both smirked before leaving their friend.

Addison stare a bit on her girlfriend, who was really serious on organizing her messy locker room.

Then the redhead walked silently towards the blonde and hugged her from behind. Meredith gasped loudly, making Addison to chuckle.

"Baby!" Meredith hissed and pouted her lips. Addison kissed the blonde's lips and chuckles. "Yes Baby?" she asked and wiggle her eyebrow.

"It's my off, how about you?" Addison asked while Meredith put the last shirt of hers on her locker. Addison smiled when she saw their picture on Meredith's locker.

"You never really get that off huh?" Addison asked and kissed the blonde's cheeks. Meredith smirked, "That reminds me of how your ex husband finds out about us," Meredith said. Addison frowned when Meredith mentions her ex husband but she laughed when she realized that Meredith was right.

"Meredith, please.." Derek said and tried to hold the blonde's hand but Meredith was too quick to walk away.

"I don't want to have a conversation right now, Dr. Shepherd," Meredith said and sighed.

"Give me chance please?" Derek pleaded. Meredith sighed before opening her locker, Derek's jaw dropped when he saw the picture on Meredith's locker.

"WHAT THE?!" He screamed, making Meredith to jumped.

"Jesus! What's wrong with you?!" Meredith asked. It was not really a good timing because she and Addison had a fight and now Derek was trying to steal a chance.

"Wha---who is that?" Derek calmly asked. Meredith's eyes widened when she realized what was Derek was pointing at.

She was about to close her locker when an arm was wrapped on her waist. A kiss on her neck sent shivers on her spine. She knew who is it. Derek was frozen on his spot.

"Hello there, baby," Addison said, she didn't saw Derek because she was too focused on Meredith. Addison was waiting on the blonde. She rose the cupcakes and donuts on her hand and smiled.

Meredith gulped and turned her gaze to Derek. Addison looked at where Meredith gaze was. Her eyes widened when Derek faints. Addison put the donut and cupcake of Meredith on the chair.

"Oh my gosh," Addison said and ran towards Derek, so did Meredith.

"He saw it," Meredith said and points out the picture. Addison tried her best not to laugh but she can't.

"What's happening here?!" Dr. Bailey asked. "He faints," Addison immediately said. "I can see, but why?" Dr. Bailey asked. Addison stood up and kissed the blonde's cheeks. "We are dating," Dr. Bailey's eyes widened. "Please don't faint," Meredith pleaded. "I was about to but thanks for saying that, I changed my mind," Dr. Bailey sarcastically said.

Meredith giggle when she remember that moment. Addison kissed the blonde's shoulder blades. "You are a bad bad kitten," Addison said and chuckles.

Meredith pouted her lips and Addison pinch the blonde's nose. "It's my off also, by the way," Meredith said and giggle. Addison remember something she saw on youtube. She smirked, "I will going to ask a question," she said and playfully wiggle her eyebrow.

"Spill it," Meredith said. "What comes after 69?" Addison asked. Meredith's eyebrow furrowed. "69 as in number or the sex position?" Meredith asked. Addison laughed. "Just answer it," Addison challenged her.

"70?" Meredith asked. Addison shook her head and smirked before leaning on the blonde's ear, "Mouthwash," she said and chuckles sexily.

Meredith gulped and Addison laughed as victory.

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