O v e r p r o t e c t i v e M e r e d i t h

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Addison and Meredith are casually sitting on Joe's. Meredith suddenly feel like she needs to use the bathroom. She went to the bathroom but before that she kissed the redhead's cheeks.

"I need to.. You know," she whispered and blushed. Addison chuckles and nodded her head, "Make it fast.." she whispered and kissed Meredith's cheek.

Meredith went to the bathroom, Addison was left behind. She was sipping her martini, peacefully, since her date was on the bathroom.

A blonde, much taller than Meredith but shorter than Addison, wearing a very tiny dress. Her cleavage was almost popping out.

She touched the redhead's shoulder, Addison thought it was her girl. She turn around with a wide smile, but her eyebrows knitted on each other when she saw that it's not her girl.

She force a smile and shrug her shoulder, trying to get off the unknown blonde's hand off her. Addison sighed, "I'm taken," she politely said.

The blonde girl smirked, she even lean down, trying to give Addison the best view of her boobs. Addison rolled her eyes and turn on the other side.

Meredith may not be there, but she really hate to flirt with someone else. Meredith is the only person she needs.

Speaking of Meredith, she was washing her hand and her gaze went on Addison's place. She smirked when Addison turn around and drink her martini.

Meredith frowned when she saw how the blonde girl trace her fingertips on Addison's legs. She gritted her teeth and began to walk.

Addison swat the blonde girl's hand off her legs.

"You alone tonight, sweetheart?" the unknown blonde asked. Addison rolled her eyes, "I'm not. I'm taken," she said politely, but she pointed the word taken on the blonde.

Addison frowned when the blonde sat on her girlfriend's spot. "So, the blonde that is sitting here a while ago, is she your girlfriend girlfriend or you are just talking?" she asked and smirked.

A sighed escaped on Addison's lips, frustration was filling her system. She really hates drunk people who are unable to understand that a person don't want to flirt. She face the blondie, but her body froze and suddenly relaxed when Meredith's scent filled her nostrils.

An arm was wrapped on her waist, securely. The blondie seemed to be surprised.

"Bitch, if I kill you, are you just dead dead or just not breathing?" Meredith growls. Addison's eyes widened as the blondie's jaw dropped.

Meredith smiled, so sweetly, but Addison can see how dangerous that smile is. She swallowed hard before standing up. She left a dollar under her drink glass and hold Meredith's hand, who seemed to be very very mad. At one point, Addison found it so hot.

She rubbed her legs as Meredith leaned on the blondie, she closed her mouth by pushing her chin up on her middle finger.

"You will catch fly," she said and that's the last straw for Addison, she walk on the exit with Meredith, who is frowning.

"I didn't flirt on her," Addison said all of a sudden. Meredith rose an eyebrow, "I know," she said. Addison sighed as relief, she was so nervous if Meredith is mad on her.

Meredith open the door of the backseat and suddenly pushed her inside.

Addison's eyes widened, "Mer, what the fu---hmmm~" Meredith straddles on her waist and kissed her, roughly.

A loud gasped slipped on the redhead's mouth when Meredith pinched her nipple hard.

Her body archs, but Meredith suddenly close the door and to her surprise, her girl jumped to the driver's seat. Addison was left aroused and panting.

"What the fuck..?"

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