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Addison saw how Derek screw the Rose nurse on the on-call room. She remained silent, she saw how painful the scene is to Meredith.

Instead of walking away, she found herself walking towards the blonde. She hold Meredith's shoulder and make her face her. Meredith was looking at her, tears are falling down her eyes.

“D-Dr. M-Montgomery..” Meredith whispered, Addison looked at Derek, who is now putting his shirt on.

Addison hold Meredith's hand and Derek saw Meredith.

“Meredith..” he whispered and tried to hold the blonde.

Addison blocked his way, Derek glared at her.

“Get out of my way, Addison,” he hissed, the redhead smirked.

“Are you done screwing your nurse? Going back to your intern this time? Oops, she's mine now,” Addison said.

Meredith gasped and Derek was stunned. Addison held Meredith's waist and dragged her on the elevator.

Derek run towards the elevator, but it was way too late. The door closed, as Meredith let her tears flow again.

Addison sighed and faced the blonde, who hugged her and cried on her shoulder.

“Are you seriousl---” Addison was interrupted by the sound of the elevator. Meredith squeaked while Addison hold the blonde tight.

“It's fine, it's just maybe some technicalities..” Addison assured Meredith, the redhead pushed the emergency button many times.

“Great.. Just great..” Meredith said and sat down the floor, “I hate him, I hate them,” she starts to ramble.

Addison was just looking at her.

“Odio vederti piangere su di lui” (I hate to see you crying over him..) Addison whispered, the blonde looked up.

Addison blushed and looked away. “What did you say?” the blonde asked, the redhead breath as a relief.

‘Great she don't know how to speak Italian’

“I said, stop crying you look like a baby when you cry,” Addison said and scrunched in front of the blonde. She wiped the tears of the blonde.

Meredith closed her eyes as she felt the warmth of the hand of Addison.

“Sei così bello ..” (You are so beautiful) Addison whispered and smiled, Meredith opened her eyes and hugged the redhead.

“Thank you, Addison..” Meredith sincerely said, Addison hugged the blonde back, “You are always welcome, Meredith,” she pat the blonde's back.

After pulling the hug, the redhead sat besides Meredith,  who put her head on Addison's shoulder.

When the blonde starts to snore, Addison makes her way, she wants to let out things.

“I hate it that you are crying over him, I hate how you can smile while your eyes sparkle when you looked at him. Why do I even go in a battle where to begin with, I know I am already the loser.. I am heads over you, I can't stop thinking about how you smile, how you scrunched your nose when you want to be cute, when you giggle at Cristina's side comments, how you squirm when you are so uncomfortable, and how you blushed when you are embarassed with something. You are a wonderful, strong human being, Mer. You don't deserve to cry over and over again on a man like him. I am here, why can't you see me?” Addison was staring at the floor, while playing at the blonde's hand. She didn't sense that the blonde's snore stopped.

The elevator suddenly opened, Addison tapped the arms of Meredith, “Hmm..” Meredith fakely said and stood up.

When they stepped down the elevator, Meredith smiled to Addison, “I can see you, I'm just afraid that you will going to reject me,” the redhead blushed.

“You h-heard m-me..” Addison stutter.

Meredith smiled and leaned on the redhead until her mouth was near on the redhead's ear and whispered, “So come parlare italiano, e anche tu sei bellissima. Ci vediamo, il dottor Montgomery.” (I know how to speak Italian, and you are beautiful too. See you around, Dr. Montgomery.)

Addison's jaw dropped, a red tint crept on her face and neck.

Meredith giggles and wink before turning around.


7:30 * 13th day of June, 2021
Meddison and Elevator are really my thing 😭
I have so plenty of things on my mind for them inside the elevatoooor 😭

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