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Cristina banged the door using her closed hand. "Meredith opened this door!" she said and screamed. No one answered.

"Do it!" Izzie said to Alex, Cristina moved aside, Alex used his body to opened the door.

The door was wrecked and Alex groaned. "Oh shit, I said not much!" Izzie hissed. Alex glared at her. "You are welcome," he sarcastically said, Cristina rolled her eyes and went inside.

"Omygosh," Izzie said when they saw Meredith laying on the floor with tablets on her hand.

"MEREDITH!" Cristina screamed and shrugged her person's shoulder.

Alex scooped Meredith and run down the stairs, Izzie was crying while Cristina was running with Alex.

They drive to the hospital, Dr. Bailey was stunned when she saw Meredith.

"She took so many tablets," George said. Cristina was looking at the floor, lifeless. Izzie was crying on Alex shoulder.

After a few minutes, Bailey went outside Meredith's room. "She took so many tablets," she said. Cristina wasn't looking. Izzie and Alex listened. "Do you have any idea why she did this?" Bailey asker eyeing Cristina.

Cristina stood up, "Derek threatened her," the intern said and looked at Bailey, "He threatened Meredith that he will going to hurt Addison if Meredith choose Addison," Bailey clenched her jaw.

"Meredith didn't say such thing, because she's used to cope it with tequila and having sex with someone who she met at the bar. But.. Lately," Cristina sighed and closed her eyes. "Yang," Bailey said. Cristina shook her head. "She loved her," Cristina said, Izzie and Alex nodded their head while George looked confused.

"Meredith didn't s-stopped Addison from her flight," Cristina said. "Meredith was crying all night, she was drunk and crying, h-her eyes looked lifeless," Cristina said, her tears fall on her eyes.

"L-last thing she said to me is CRISTINA I WANT TO REST and I thought it was the alcohol, but," Cristina stopped, George rubs Cristina's back.

Bailey was angry--no she was beyond that. Richard was also listening. Their face was dark.

"Where is she?" Derek asked. Richard and Bailey looked at Derek, "Meredith, is she okay? What happened?" he asked.

"Where is Meredith?" Addison asked. Derek glared at her, the redhead ignored Derek's glare.

"She is inside," Bailey said and Derek was about to go when Dr. Webber held his shoulder. "We need to Talk, Dr. Shepherd," Richard said, Derek gulped and paled.

Cristina and Addison went inside, the redhead didn't recognized Meredith. She's so thin and pale. Her eyebags are so so dark under her eyes. Her lips are pale. "You knew," Cristina said, Addison's tears fall and nodded her head.

"I took the first flight here when I talked to Callie," Addison said and hold the blonde's hand.

"Dr. Montgomery," Cristina said. Addison looked up, "Don't hurt her," Cristina said and Addison sighed. "I can't promise that, Yang. You can't promise not to hurt the person that you love. It is part of it. But Yang, I will not going to leave her again," Addison said.

Cristina stilled while looking at the redhead. "She picked the wrong Shepherd, but I think now, she chose the right one," Cristina said and was about to leave when Addison called her.

"It's Montgomery," Cristina nodded and left. Addison looked at Meredith.

"Mer, wake up please," Addison said and kissed the back of Meredith's hand. Addison was whispering to Meredith, then fall asleep.

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