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Meredith was on her 5th or 6th tequila? She guess so. “Joe, another one,” she said and Joe looked at her intently, “You are drunk, Dr. Grey,” he said but still put tequila on the shotglass of Meredith.

“I found out that my boyfriend has a wife. I need some drinking,” she said and drink the tequila and ordered again. “She's all leggy and fabulously sexy as hell!” she said and even giggle.

Joe rose an eyebrow, “Did you just compliment your boyfriend's wife?” he asked amusingly. Meredith nodded her head. “Yeah, I think so? Yeah, yeah,” Meredith said and giggle.

“I'll cut you after this,” Joe said. He knew that she is really drunk at that moment. Meredith didn't fight anymore. She don't have any strength to fight now.

“Well, isn't is cozy.. Can I join in or nah?” a voice from behind made Meredith's head to spin.

There the leggy fabulously sexy redhead standing while smirking at her. Meredith just motioned the chair near her.

Joe's have so many costumer and Meredith knew that Addison just don't have any choice but to sit with her.

Who would have in the right mind to sit next to your husband's mistress just to drink right?’ Meredith said at the back of her head.

Meredith looked at Addison, who was caught staring at her. The redhead's cheeks heated and she looked at her front. Ordering what Meredith is drinking.

“You look like someone,” Meredith said after drinking her last shot. Her visions became blurry and her mind was pounding.

“I look like someone?” Addison asked and drink the tequila on her shot glass. Her face crumpled on how strong the drink is.

She heard Meredith's giggle, she face the blonde. “I think I knew who you look like. You look like my boyfriend, no scratch that. My ex-boyfriend's leggy and fabulous wife!” Meredith said.

Addison looked so amused with the blonde. ‘She thinks I am fabulous?’ she asked at the back of her head.

“What do you think about that redhead?” Addison asked. Meredith leaned on, “I think she's hot,” she said and giggle.

Meredith's face turned into deep red, while Addison was just so speechless. “Wow,” she said.

“That is my reaction when she walked on us awhile ago. She walked like a model of everything that is expensive. She talked so elegant. And her lipstick was red,” Meredith said while nodding her head as if she was having some flashbacks about what happened few hours ago.

“Did you know that he has a wife?” Addison asked. Meredith shook her head and sighed, “He never told me,” the blonde said and tears escaped her eyes.

Addison sighed and gave Meredith the tissue on her bag. The blonde gladly accept it and uttered thank you. The redhead just smiled and drink again.

“He is not the only man in the world,” Addison said. Meredith chuckles, “Yeah I know. I am really interested with his wife that you look a like,” The blonde said. Addison's cheeks flushed and her eyes widened.

“You're a..” Addison trailed. Meredith smirked boyishly, “Bisexual,” she said and winks.

“Are you hitting on me?” Addison asked. Meredith rose an eyebrow, “Is it working?” she countered. Addison shrugged her shoulder.

Behave Addison, she is drunk’ Addison said at the back of her head.

Meredith woke up with a massive headache and she blinks when she felt her ceiling color just turned into other color. She stretch her neck from side to side.

She stretched her arms and bumped into something smooth and warm. Meredith's eyes widened when she felt that something was moving, she looked besides her.

Her face turned into as white as a bondpaper when she saw red. A red hair cascading on someone's bare shoulder. Bare shoulder.

Meredith gasped, she looked at herself. Her eyes widened again when she saw marks on her body. She gulped when the wife of her ex-boyfriend stilled.

Meredith saw how Addison's eyes widened when her eyes looked at her baby ones. “Uh, g-good morning?” Meredith asked and smile awkwardly. Addison's face heated up and she sat down.

The sheets above Addison's body fall down. Meredith's eyes widened when she saw Addison's perky breast. Her jaw meet the floor.

“Are you done eyeraping my breast? You suck and knead them last night, but you can do it again if you want,” Addison said and wiggle her eyebrows, making Meredith to be back to reality.

Meredith looked up, she first saw the smirk on Addison's lips. Meredith looked away, “I uh ahm..” Meredith stuttered. Addison chuckles awkwardly, “The uhm bathroom was there, I will going to prepare breakfast,” Addison explained. Meredith nodded her head and went to the bathroom.

Addison took a bathrobe to cover her sexy body. She gets all the clothes of them. She gasped when she saw her expensive lingerie was torn apart. Addison took the sexy panty of Meredith and hide it on her cabinet.

Why am I even freaking doing?!’ Addison asked herself and sighed. Someone knocked on the door. Her eyebrows furrowed. Addison walked towards the room door and opened it.

She saw Derek with a bouquet, “Hi, good morning,” Derek said and entered. Addison was stunned until she realized that Meredith was on her bathroom. Derek was sitting on the bed when Addison saw him. She gulped internally.

“I want to apologize, this is for you,” Derek said. She took the bouquet and smiled a bit.

“It's fine,” Addison said and sat down next to Derek.

After a long awkward silence, the bathroom door opened. Making Derek to look back, Addison almost facepalm but she never did.

“Addie uh I need towel oh..” Meredith awkwardly said when she saw her ex-boyfriend on the bed.

Derek looked at Meredith back to Addison then to Meredith again. He stood up furiously, “I thought I can save our marriage, but I think no,” He said and bolted out.

“Wow..” Meredith said. Addison nodded her head as if she was agreeing with the blonde.

“Indeed,” Addison whispered.

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