n e w f l a v o r

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“Good morning!” from the chart she was reading, Bailey looked up and saw Meredith smiling widely like she took some weeds.

An eyebrow rose up making the blonde resident to chuckles and took her patients chart. Reading it while humming.

“What's wrong with her?” Cristina asked making Bailey to jumped. “Jesus, Yang!” she hissed. Cristina snickers and ran away, afraid to be hit by the Nazi.

“What's wrong with you, Grey?” she asked, Addison entered the room. Bailey's eyebrows furrowed when the redhead and the blonde blushed when they looked at each other.

“Good Morning Dr. Bailey and Dr. Grey,” Addison greeted, the sudden frown on the blonde's face can't be unseen by Bailey.

“Morning,” Bailey uttered. Meredith smiled, “Good Morning Dr. Montgomery Gr---” a knock on the door was the reason for Meredith to be interrupted by what she will say.

“Dr. Bailey,” Derek smiled and looked at Meredith.

“Dr. Grey,” he said, Meredith rolled her eyes. While Addison bit her lower lip to stop making unnecessary sounds.

“Dr. Shepherd,” Meredith said and excused herself and she even drags Addison outside.

“They're dating,” Bailey said. Derek's eyes widened and he chuckles, “Nah, they're not,” he said and left. Bailey smirked, “Oblivious Shepherd,” she said and went to Dr. Webber's office.

“Baby..” Meredith said and frowned. “Grey we are in the hospital,” the redhead said. Mer frowned again.

“It's wifey,” Mer said. Addison looked confused at her. “Dr. Gre---” I groaned. “It's wifey!” I whined. She chuckles making me pout.

“I love you,” Addison said. My face softened and kissed her lips. “I love you too, but it's wifey,” I said and bit her lower lip.

“Fck!” she hissed and I giggle. “Aren't you tired, WIFEY?” she emphasized the last word making me roll my eyes.

“I bought Strawberry and Grapes,” I said, Addison moaned. I remember our last night encounter.

* f l a s h b a c k *

“Hi Wifey,” Addison said while putting her coat on the counter, I smiled while biting a strawberry. She walked towards me and kissed my nose making my nose to scrunched up. She chuckles and kissed my temple.

“How are you doing?” she asked and took a milk on the ref. I smiled, “I want something but I really don't know what is it,” I said and Addison looked puzzled. She smiled and caressed my tummy, “Our baby is giving you hard time?” she asked. I nodded my head and pouted my lips.

“When do we tell people?” I asked, Addison was taken aback. “I must be the one who will going to asked you about that,” she asked. I sighed and smiled a bit. “Sorry,” I said, Addison shook her head. “I am willing to wait, Mer. As long as you take care of yourself and our baby,” she said. 2 months ago, Addie and I go to LA to tried IVF. Naomi her bestfriend was surprised that Addison and I are married. And it was succesful and I am now 1 month pregnant.

“Addie, I want to tell the world how much you mean to me. But I don't want to steal our baby's spotlight,” I said. She smiled and kissed my forehead, “Mer they knew already well Derek was just oblivious, Bailey was suspecting while Arizona and Callie congratulates us, Teddy and Cristina also did congratulatw us, Amelia wants to be th godmother of our baby,” Addison said, I can't help but to smile.

Addison was smiling while explaining those words on me.

“I love you,” I suddenly blurts out making Addison to blush. She bit her lip and kissed my lips. “I love you too, Mrs. Montgomery-Grey,” she said and I giggle.

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