H e a l t h y F l i r t i n g

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Addison was busy reading her patients chart when Meredith came in.

The blonde pout as she saw how busy the redhead was.

"What is it, Dr. Grey?" the redhead asked without looking up.

Meredith bit her lower lip as her cheek flushed a bit, 'How the hell she knew it was me?' she asked.

The redhead looked up as her eyeglass fell on the bridge of her nose.

The teeth of the blonde sinks in more on how hot the redhead was on that eyeglass.

"Grey? Mer?" Addison asked, she put down the chart and stood up to walk towards the blonde. "Are you okay?" she asked as she held the chin of the blonde and move her face up, to face her.

The blonde blinked twice, "Oh uh y-yeah," she said. Wrapping her arms around the redhead's neck.

"Uh-oh, okay... What's happening?" Addison asked.

Meredith smiled as she feel the heart beat of Addison, beating fast against her chest. "Dr. Bailey said your shift was done 3 hours ago? Why are you still here reading charts? You should rest for tomorr-hmm~" the redhead's lips cut off the blonde's rambles by kissing her.

Meredith moans then sighs softly as Addison's hand pull her closer.

A whimper escaped on the blonde's when the redhead pull away.

"I don't wanna go home in the hotel," Addison said and pulled away.

Meredith's shoulder fell when Addison pull away. She sit on the table when Addison move to sit on her swivel chair.

"But Addie-" Meredith started and pout when Addison put her eyeglasses again.

"I don't need to go to bed, I'm not tired and I still have work to do," Addison said and hold the chart again.

She looked up when Meredith hold the chart and move them down, "You can go to my house? I will be lonely without you, stop going to the hotel, it was expensive and it's not home," Meredith preposition.

A smile appeared on the redhead as she stood up and throw the chart on the floor, she hold the blonde's waist and move the young woman in front of her, but still sitting on the table.

"I m-mean.. You can curl your arms around me and I can do that so I can be whole again and your tiredness will going to slipped away?" Meredith shyly asked.

Addison smiled and kissed her forehead then nose then lips, "You are so cute when you ramble," she uttered while her lips was still intact on the blonde's lips.

"Please? Then we can sleep together with clothes on, arms wrapped around each other," Meredith asked as she wrapped her arms again around the redhead's neck.

"Did you just flirt me into healthy sleeping habits?" Addison asked.

"Is it working?" Meredith asked, biting her lower lip. Praying it will work. God knows how Addison was so tired and she just want the redhead to rest.

"Of course, always," Addison said and kissed the blonde deeply.

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