V a l e n t i n e D i s a s t e r?

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"You're getting ready for Valentine's Day? But you don't...have a partner?" Callie asked as she entered the office of Addison, who's clearly struggling on putting the highest letter on the wall.

"First of all, it's entirely about the aesthetic. Second of all, all my friends deserve love too!" Addison screamed and pout her lips towards the door.

Callie closed the door and walk towards her bestfriend. Hand on her hips, eyebrow rose up. "Friend, you mean friend," she stated.

Addison rolled her eyes, "You are my bestfriend silly," she said and continue on what she is doing.

"Aaw.. I am your bestfriend?!" Callie screamed, Addison groaned and glared at Callie.

"Oh.. oh!" Callie said and gasped. "You have this FRIEND in your mind but she's not really a friend but she said you are both friends and you se-"

"Shut up, Meredith is not the FRIEND that I will date," Addison said and rolled her eyes.

"I heard Derek asked her to go out on a da-"

"WHAT!? SHE AND I HAVE PLANS!" Addison burst out and jumped off the ladder. Callie's eyes widened, she froze when Addison jumped. She followed her bestfriend's movenents.

The way her eyebrows furrowed, a frown formed on her face, irritated? Jealous? Hurt?Callie can't point out.

Addison got her phone and dial someone. "Office. Now." she said and end the call.

Callie blinks, "I'm just joking about the Dere-"

"OMYGOSH CALLIE!? WHAT THE HELL?!" Addison snapped. Callie's eyes went wide open.

But the two of them looked at the door as it went wide open, Addison gasped while Callie hold the door when it fell down.

Meredith was panting so hard, pretty sure she run but she looked up and gasped softly as she saw the set up of the room.

Full of hearts on the corners with yarn to support them. Happy Valentines Day was on the wall, but the H, Y, T, S and D was on the floor, maybe they fell when she crashed open the door.

Addison who suddenly remember the set up, turned into tomato as she move to close the blonde's eyes, which is TOO late. Meredith chuckles and hold the redhead's hand to remove it on her eyes, she kissed the back of the redhead's hand and tiptoe to kiss the side of its lips.

With a big sigh and a side glare on her bestfriend, Addison move to pull her hand off Meredith's grasp. She move to get the flower she bought and the donuts for Meredith.

"Happy Valentines," Addison whispered softly, Meredith smiled and cupped the redhead's cheek and get the bouquet of flowers. "Happy Valentines," she said and smiled again.

"Uhm.. Someone help me?" Callie said, making the couple to jumped a bit.

Meredith kissed Addison's lips before helping Callie, who don't even need help, she move the door with her one hand.

A letter was slipped on the redhead's pocket, Meredith stole a kiss before running outside.

Addison was stunned, "REALLY!?" she suddenly screamed before running on the door, peeked out her head, Meredith winked at her, "Yes, officially," she said and points Addison's pocket.

Addison move her hand to her pocket but her eyes was still on the cute intern, who almost hit the wall but manage to stop, Addison chuckles making Meredith to glare a bit on her.

She looked down at the letter.

"Let's make it official, I love you," Addison read the letter a bit loudly. She bit her lower lip, keeping herself from smiling like an idiot.

"How on earth did you pull that, Torres?" Bailey asked as she saw Callie putting the door down. Addison chuckles, "I got it, Dr. Bailey," she said and smiled.

A/n: Am I late for Valentine's fic?

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