C l o s e Y o u r E y e s, M e r

686 33 10

Meredith was staring intently at the clock.





"Mer? Why are you still awake?" Addison asked.

Meredith's tears fell down her eyes and wait for the clock to became 12:00 midnight before looking at the redhead.

Addison smiled, "Close your eyes, Mer, it's not healthy to stay up always late," the redhead said and kissed the blonde's temple.

While tears are falling down her eyes, Meredith can't help to stare a bit longer on the redhead, "Happy death anniversary, Addie," Meredith whispered before closing her eyes.

I love you Mer

She opened her eyes, to wake up, wiping the tears that fall on her eyes, she sit down and saw Cristina, sitting beside her.

A smile formed her lips when her friend have a cake, as she promise always, she sit down properly and Cristina move the cake on the side of the bed before hugging her person.

"I-it w-was s-still p..painful," Meredith stutters as she choke on her own sobs. Cristina, who is not a hugger, but her person needs her, she rubs the blonde's back and start the recording of Addison, whom she left in case Meredith is crying on her death anniversary.

"I love you, my Mer Mer, don't cry okay? I will visit always in your dreams, always keep safe, always remember how much I love you, even if I'm not on your side anymore, please don't cry anymore, I can't wipe those tears, blow the cake and celebrate my deathsary like I'm beside you, because I am always at your heart, no matter what, okay? I love you, Mrs. Meredith Montgomery-Grey," Addison said and winks.

Meredith smiled and wipe her tears before blowing the cake. "Happy Deathsary Addie, I love you too."

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