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A/N: Remember when Cristina run when she saw Owen? What if it's Meredith this time? But why?

Meredith snort a laughed when Cristina tells how Owen hugged Jo, for he thought its Cristina.

“Then he stood up in the doorframe, I am waiting for him. He's too guilty when---” Cristina continued to talk as her and Meredith walked down the hall.

Meredith's eyes widened when she saw Addison, Mark and Callie walked outside the elevator. (Meredith is not a dirty mistress of Derek here. Derek went back to New York when Addison arrived the Seattle)

She grabbed Cristina's hand and run to the other direction.

‘run! Run! Run!’

Is all that Meredith had in her mind. She and Cristina stopped when they turned.

“Okay, what did you do?” Cristina asked, Meredith took a peek.

“Shh..” Meredith said but not looking at Cristina.

Addison covers Cristina's mouth and motioned her to not to speak, Cristina nodded and Addison let her go.

Meredith was busy peeking, trying to see if Addison will passed the hall.

Minutes has passed Mark and Callie passed by, her eyebrows knitted.

She held Cristina's(Addison) hand without looking.

Cristina was silently looking, she smirked when Meredith sneaked inside the on call room.

“Aah---” She heard muffled voice of Meredith. Cristina chuckles, ‘Something is happening on her person, she needs to find out what is it’

Meredith sneaked inside the on-call room and her person(Addison) locked the door.

Meredith took a deep breath and faced Cristina(Addison) her eyes widened when she saw Addison..

“Aah---” Addison suddenly covered her mouth, Meredith muffled something.

Addison smirked, Meredith blushed.

“Hi, girl in the bar,” Addison said and uncovered the blonde's mouth. She kissed Meredith and left.

Leaving Meredith, who's blushing.

Meredith was in the midst of the cafeteria, she jumped when someone puts a tray besides her.

Cristina rose an eyebrow. Meredith blinked, “Oh it's just you,” Meredith said and took a breath.

She's looking around, “Who are you looking at?” Cristina asked.

Meredith shook her head, “Nothing,” Cristina chuckles.

“ObGyn huh?” Cristina mocked, Meredith choke with her drinks.

“Gotcha,” Cristina said and smirked. “Who is she?” Cristina asked again.

Meredith sighed and looked at her person, “I slept with our attending on our third day,” Meredith said.

Cristina's eyes widened. Addison leaned on Meredith's side.

She slept with Satan,” Addison whispered and smirked.

Meredith gasped while Cristina looked amused.

This internship will going to be exciting..

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