W e i r d

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A/n: Inspired by Season 18 of Grey's. Since Amelia kept me thinking about the weird thoughts of her. XD

Addison was sitting on the chair, Meredith was on the chair next to her and Amelia was on the chair in front of them.

The kids were asleep. Zola tucked Bailey and Ellis, she insisted since her Mom and the FRIEND of her Mom needs a talk.

Amelia sighed, gaining an attention on the two older woman.

“This is not weird,” Meredith and Addison snorts and chuckles. They said that in unison. Amelia looked at them, she was examining them.

Amelia sighed, “Okay.. Okay..” she finally give up.

Meredith chuckles and Addison playfully rolled her eyes.

“But..” Amelia starts again. Earning a groans on the older woman.

“Amy, you know how this will going to be weird?” Meredith asked.

Amelia blinks, unable to process what the blonde said.

Addison smirked and stood up. Meredith stood up also. They both turn around to walk, but Meredith looked back at Amelia.

“If you hear moaning at 3 am,” she said and she hold Addison's hand and pull her up.

Amelia's jaw dropped as her eyes widened. She can hear Addison's chuckles and Meredith's laughter.

Meredith stopped in front of a door, Addison stopped also. She looked confused at the blonde.

“It's getting late, you sleep here, uh-uh no more buts,” Meredith said and smiles. Addison smiled and hugged Meredith.

“Thank you, Mer..”

“Always welcome, Addie..”

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