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You and Meredith huh?” Lexie said as she entered the room. Addison's eyes widened and she move the sheets up on her naked body. It was 1 hour since she was being railed up by Meredith.

Addison's eyebrows furrowed, “What do you want Little Grey?” Addison asked and took a shirt of Meredith, thank goodness that Lexie spin around to give the redhead time to put Meredith's shirt and a lacy panty.

“Amelia and I was wondering,” Lexie said and Addison rose an eyebrow when Lexie looked at her.

“Wondering about?” Addison asked. Lexie took a step forward, “Are you into foursome?” Lexie asked and left. Addison was speechless and frozen on her spot.

Did little Grey preposition her about..

“Dr. Grey,” Amelia said and smirked. Meredith was finished preparing Addison's breakfast. “Good morning too, Dr. Shepherd,” she sarcastically said and was about to call Addison when Amelia held her waist.

Meredith rose an eyebrow but didn't say anything. “You are a dom and I am a bottom,” Amelia said. Meredith scoffed, “What do you want Ames?” Meredith asked. Amelia smirked and leaned to the side of the head of Meredith. Her lips was almost touching the blonde's ear, “Foursome,” she said and left.

Meredith blinked a few times.

What the..

Meredith came back to reality when Addison waved her hands in front of the blonde. “You okay?” Addison asked and took a bite on the pancake.

“Hmm..” she moaned, maybe Meredith isn't a cook but simple meals like pancake is much better than hers. Meredith kissed her temple. “Amelia say something on me,” the blonde said. Addison smirked, “Lexie said something also on me,” They both looked at each other, “Foursome,” they said in unison.

They burst out a laugh, why? They don't know. They just find the situation so funny.

They both stopped when Amelia and Lexie was walking down the stairs. Addison smirked at Meredith, who was also smirking. Meredith cupped Addison's sexy ass and lifted her on the sink. She kissed the redhead's neck, making the latter to gasped loudly.

This caught Amelia and Lexie's attention. Meredith was kissing Addison's neck. Amelia bit her lip while Lexie chuckles. The two walked towards the blonde and the redhead.

Amelia held Meredith's waist and kissed the blonde's neck while Lexie smiled at Addison and caressed the redhead's thigh.

“You really are serious on this huh?” Meredith asked and smirked. Amelia nodded her head while Lexie was smirking.

“We can't do it here!” Addison hissed, she's worried that someone will going to interrupt them.

Meredith rose an eyebrow and smirked, “Afraid that someone will walked on us?” she asked. Addison nodded her head and bit her lip.

“On the living room then?” Meredith asked. Addison's eyes widened and was about to protest when Meredith made her jumped off the counter and all of them run towards the living room.

Addison was about to lock the front door but Lexie pushed her down the couch. She met Meredith's lips, she groaned and deepens the kiss. They both giggle when Amelia and Lexie took their shirt off, revealing their bodies. Addison took Meredith's shirt off while Meredith took the redhead's shirt off.

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