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Meredith was busy looking at the chart(and also on her phone) when Derek approached her.

“Meredith, hi!” Derek said, Cristina rose an eyebrow while Meredith looked up.

“Dr. Shepherd, Hi.” Meredith said and looked down at the chart, Derek frowned while Cristina smirked.

“Uh, dinner? Tonight?” Derek asked, Meredith looked up with confused face.

“Huh?” she asked, blinking.

Derek smiled, his dreamy smile. Cristina scoffed while drinking her coffee.

“Dinner? Tonight?” Derek asked again, Meredith realized that the man was asking for a date.

“Oh.. Sorry, I..” she trailed and looked down on her phone when it buzzed, she bit her lips and looked at Derek, “I need to go home, Daddy is waiting for me,” Cristina covered her mouth on not to laugh when her person blushed.

Derek's eyebrows furrowed, “Oh, Tatcher is in Seattle?” he asked, making the blonde blushed even more.

“Huh.. Uh.. No, I mean yeah yeah. Sorry I need to go, it's my off, I need to go home, Good night Dr. Shepherd,” Meredith said and trying not to look at Cristina who's smirking.

She ran on the locker room, Cristina was behind her.

“Huh.. Daddy..” Cristina teased her.

Meredith rolled her eyes, “I just.. Come see it,” she said to Cristina, who was smirking.

Cristina laughed out loud when she saw the message of Daddy, “Can't wait to see you, Daddy.” Cristina said and laughed again.

“I hate you,” Meredith said while blushing.

She changed her scrub clothes to comfortable clothes.

“Derek is too oblivious to see that you and Satan's a couple now, I mean you almost are making out in front of him,” Cristina said. Meredith chuckles.

The door of the locker room opened, Derek was smiling. “Hi uhm, need some ride home?” Derek asked.

She's going to ride on someone home,” Cristina whispered, making Meredith's eyes go wide. She hit her person's rib using her elbow. She's trying not to imagine riding on.. Eherm.. You know who.

“Uh, no. Cristina and I will drive home, safe. Sorry,” Meredith said, Derek smiled a bit. “Oh.. Just take care,” He said and left.

“Ooh.. Riding.. Riding..” Cristina said and laughed again, Meredith throw a paper on her person.

They both went to the parking lot, Meredith really can't help but to blush with Cristina's comments.

“I really hate to say that it's a mistake to make you see that message,” she said and rolled her eyes.

The ride was silent. Cristina was driving while Meredith was still texting the redhead.

Both women are tired from their shift. Who wouldn't? It felt like forever shift.

When they got home, Cristina was the first to open the door. Addison was smiling and Cristina smirked, “We are home, Daddy-son.” Cristina said, making Addison to be confused.

“Daddy what?” Addison asked, she blushed when she realized what Cristina said.

“I just..” Meredith said and sighed. Cristina was laughing while making her way to her room, leaving the couple.

“Derek asked me out, then I saw your message with Daddy written on it. I blurted that I need to go home because Daddy is waiting, then he thought I am talking to Tatcher and then I let Cristina to read your message and now she is teasing us. I really am sorry..” she rambles, Addison was looking at her.

“You are cute when you ramble,” Addison said and makes Meredith to sit on her lap.

“I.. Love you,” Meredith said and smiled.

“I love you too,” Addison wiggle her eyebrows.

Meredith giggles and kissed the redhead's lips, “Ride on me, Daddy-son?” she asked.

Addison can't help but to laugh and pinned the blonde on the couch, “With pleasure..”


Crdts: @mchctty on twitter 👉👈 for the idea 💓

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