e i g h t y e i g h t

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Meredith and Addison was sitting on the living room with Callie and Arizona, Amelia and Carina, Teddy and Cristina.

All of a sudden, Addison laughed so hard. It made everyone looked at her. "What?" she asked and kissed Meredith's cheeks.

"You are laughing alone?" Callie asked. It made Amelia, Arizona and Carina to chuckle.

Teddy and Cristina smirked. Addison playfully rolled her eyes and buried her face on the blonde's neck. "I will text you something," she whispered on the blonde.

"I just need to check something upstairs, check the chicken," she said and walked towards the stairs. Leaving them all puzzled. Meredith rose an eyebrow. Suddenly the blonde's phone buzzed. She opened the message and read the redhead's message.

Do you know what's better than 69?

Meredith's eyes widened when she saw her lover's text on her. Addison can see her from the stairs. Meredith gulped before replying.

As in 69? Us? Tonight?

Meredith smirked when she heard Addison's laughter on the stairs.

"Ghad you both are weird," Cristina said and stood up. Callie, Arizona and Teddy followed Cristina. They checked the chicken. Amelia and Carina was busy on their own world.

No! I mean do you know what's better than 69?

Meredith's eyebrow furrowed this time. She think of what are the possible answers but she can't even think of what is the answer.

What, Monty?

She smirked, she knew that Addison is rolling her eyes because of the nickname. She hates being called Monty.


Meredith's eyebrow rose up. She thinks of why 88 is better than 69. Until the redhead decided to answer her curious thoughts.

Cause you get to ate twice.

Meredith's jaw dropped and without any hesitation she ran towards their bedroom and saw Addison with her robe only smirking at her.

"I prefer to eat you twice," Meredith said, smirked, locked the door behind her and strip her clothes. Addison giggle, "MEREDITH!" She screamed when Meredith jumped on her.

Good day everyone 💓

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